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Block and Bridle

The Block and Bride Club is an organization for college students who are interested in animal agriculture. Although members are primarily science majors and minors, there are members from other areas in agriculture and other fields. Block and Bridle is one of the largest clubs in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. The only prerequisite for membership is to be interested in animals.

Club Objectives

  • To develop a closer relationship between Animal Science students and faculty.
  • To promote higher scholastic standards.
  • To create more interest in the livestock, meat and wool judging teams.
  • To create more interest in Animal Science as a scholastic major and as a profession.
  • To keep students informed of the new developments and current trends in Animal Science.

Opportunities for Block and Bridle Members

  • Interaction and involvement between current and new members.
  • Participation in monthly business and recreational meetings.
  • Involvement in annual steer and heifer show, open to 4-H and FFA members.
  • Involvement in regional and national Block and Bridle meetings and trips.
  • Participation in intercollegiate meats and livestock judging contests.
  • Participation in Little International activities.
  • Assist with ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Beef Bowl Barbeque.
  • Involvement with Spring Awards Banquet.


Dues are $20 for new members ($5 covers membership in the National Block and Bridle Club) and $15 per year after the first year. Dues are paid at the first two meetings of the year.


Initiation into membership in the Block and Bridle Club is a simple process. By paying your dues, you have already become a member. As a first-year member, you will paint a paddle with the Block and Bridle symbol on it and have members of faculty and upperclassmen in the club sign it.


The club typically schedules meetings the first and second Wednesday night of the month at 7 p.m. in the Animal Science Complex. Club activities are discussed and a guest speaker is often invited to present to the group or a recreational activity is held. Check out our events.


Block and Bridle Emblem

The Block and Bridle emblem holds a special meaning for club members and represents the principles on which the club is built. The straight perpendicular line of the "B" represents the straight moral character, sincerity and honor which members of the club are asked to maintain in all their connections with Animal Science. The two distinct curves of the "B" represent mental energy and moral force, the two fundamentals for which Block and Bridle members build social pleasure. Marketing and other material aspects of our lives are represented by the meat block and cleaver. The bridle depicts the behavior of Block and Bridle members, symbolizing the control we must have over ourselves at all times, the courtesy and respect we show towards others and the way in which we treat livestock. As you can see, our emblem represents the meat and animal phases of the animal science industry and more. Royal purple and navy blue are the colors of the Block and Bridle Club. The lilac is the official club flower.