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How to Add a Facebook Feed

Steps to Add a Facebook Feed

  1. Go in to “Edit” view of the landing page or page you want to add the Facebook feed to.
  2. On a landing page, scroll to Department contact section, then open Social Media and scroll to the “Facebook Feed” field. On a regular page scroll down to Social Media.
  3. Click the “Add New Node” button.
  4. In the “Name of Facebook page” field, enter your feed name in accordance with the Facebook page’s name e.g. South Dakota State University - Graduate School.
  5. In the “Facebook Feed URL” field, paste the URL of the Facebook page you want to add a feed of e.g. https://www.facebook.com/southdakotastategradschool.
  6. The default “Facebook Feed Height” is set at 350. Increasing the number will increase the length of the feed, and vice versa.
  7. Choose whether or not you want your cover photo to appear in the widget scaled for size; click false if no, and true if yes.
  8. In the “Facebook Feed Tabs” section, choose if you want the feed to display timeline posts or your page’s events. Messages will allow users with a Facebook account to log in and leave a comment on your page if that is enabled.
  9. In the “Facebook Feed Call to Action” section, choose false if you do not want a call to action to display, or true if you would like a call to action to display.
  10. In the “Facebook Feed Small Header” choose false if you do not want users to be able to “Like” your page from the feed widget and vice versa.
  11. Click “Create Node.”
  12. Saving the page: From dropdown next to "Change to:" choose one of the following statuses:
    • Ready to Review: If it is ready to be published.
    • In progress: If you want to hold on publishing or are still editing.

Important Considerations

  • If a department or college has already added a Facebook feed that you would like to reuse e.g. the official South Dakota State University feed, simply click the “Add Existing Node” button, then begin typing the Facebook page name, and the field will auto populate to that Facebook feed.
  • Please note that just because your department or college has a Facebook page, does not mean the college or department has created a Facebook Feed on our website.