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Biomedical Engineering Society

SDState Biomedical Engineering Society Student Chapter

Statement of Purpose

The objective of this chapter shall be to promote the profession of biomedical engineering (BME) through the organized effort of this group in study, research, and discussion of the fields of biomedical engineering and the dissemination of knowledge thereby gained. The chapter shall promote membership in BMES by acquainting the student body with the ideas, purposes and objectives of BMES.

  • To educate students about the various career opportunities existing in the biomedical engineering industry.
  • To inspire students to pursue a path in a BME-related industry.
  • To prepare students for a future in a BME-related field.

Meetings for the Fall 2022 Semester are scheduled every other Thursday.

Fall 2022 Schedule

September - 8, 22

October - 6, 20

November - 3, 17

December - 1

Meeting Minutes 

October 6, 2022

Presentation By: Dr. Saikat Basu, Assistant Professor; Mehedi Hasan Akash, Ph.D. Candidate

Topic: Computational and theoretical fluid mechanics approach for modelling transport into dense tumor


Solid tumors have dense fibrous extracellular structures that restrict diffusive transport and limit convection. The complexity of tumor fluid transport systems raises translational questions. We provide a computational model for physical characteristics that may influence blood percolation and penetration into a biomimetic solid tumor geometry. The model uses 3-phase viscous laminar transient simulation to mimic the transport physics inside a tumor-adhering blood vessel. It measures the constituent volume fractions of plasma, RBCs, and WBCs at three different flow times. To assess plasma perfusion within the tumor zone, we suggested a reduced order 2D transport model for the tumor entrance zone and extra cellular space for three distinct fenestra diameters: 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 m. The simulations were 2-phase viscous laminar transient. The data support the concept that plasma percolation into the tumor is proportional to leakiness controlled by fenestra openings.

Oct. 20, 2022

Guest Speaker: Dr. Xiaojun Xian

We were fortunate to have Dr. Xiaojun Xian speak on wearable sensors and devices for healthcare monitoring. Dr. Xian introduced his labs work in developing these wearable sensors integrating chemical, mechanical, electrical and soft wear innovations for breath analysis, transdermal biomarker detection and personal environmental exposure monitoring. 

For wearable breath analysis Dr. Xian focused on certain biomarkers given by our breath to help detect certain diseases. One example, was using the biomarker Nitric Oxide which can indicate worsening symptoms of asthma, his mask is able to pinpoint this biomarker and alert the user through a phone app. The wearable for transdermal biomarker detection was a transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitor, this is monitored using a miniaturized nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor placed in a wristband. Lastly, for an environmental health wearable, a chemical sensing CMOS imager was used to sense the different concentrations in the air in environment.  

Nov. 3, 2022


  1. Student registration for maintaining Society's Active Status. Registration Fee - $30
  2. Registration for Conference Next Fall. 
  3. Budget plan for travel expenses for conference.
  4. Interested people - Biomedical Project focused on Computational Modelling, 3D Printing please contact Dr. Basu.
  5. Next BMES Meeting Speaker and Presentation - Mehedi Hasan Akash, Ph.D Student 
  6. Visit to Anatomy Lab will be arranged.
  7. BMES Brochure Designing and Printing During December - Interested Students contact Dr. Basu.
  8. Next Semester first BMES Meeting will be on Jan. 19, 2023.
  9. Group picture for BMES official webpage - November 17. Every BMES member requested to be present.

Nov. 17, 2022


Great Talk and Presentation on "Revisiting smallpox - a modelling framework for its air borne transmission " by Doctoral Student Mohammad Mehedi Hasan Akash.

Great feedbacks from Dr. Saikat Basu and BMES Members.

Budget sheet submitted by Grace Kuta and Abir Malakar.

Next Meeting Goals:

  1. Feedback on the budget sheet for BMES for materials supplies, membership and travelling.
  2. Presentation by Abir Malakar.
  3. Discussion of budget approval and reinstating of official chapter status.
  4. Next BMES Meeting December 1.

Dec. 2, 2022


Today we had five different speakers: 

Cole and Logan spoke on their project modeling fluid dynamics of blood flow into cancerous tumors.

Jessica, Abir and Siddhanth all spoke on their research surrounding particles passing through the nasopharynx cavity.