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College of Nursing Handbook, Section 6: Graduate policies, procedures and guidelines

Section 6: Table of Contents

  1. Graduate Nursing Grading Policy
  2. Graduate Student Academic Progression
  3. Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Physical Assessment
  4. Readmission
  5. Graduate Appearance Policy

6-1. Graduate Nursing Grading, Policy #G4230

Description: A student must earn a B or higher in each graduate nursing course to progress in the graduate nursing program. There is no rounding of grades in graduate nursing courses. If a C or lower is earned, the course must be repeated. Please refer to the graduate student handbook section on repeated courses* (BOR Policy 2:8:3D).

Grading Scale

  • A = 91 to 100
  • B = 81 to 90
  • C = 71 to 80
  • D = 61 to 70
  • F = <61

*Repeated Courses (BOR Policy 2:8:3D)

All courses taken appear on the student鈥檚 academic record, but when a course is repeated, only the most recent grade is calculated into the cumulative GPA. This policy applies to both undergraduate and graduate coursework. Relative to number of repeats allowed:

  1. A student may enroll in a graduate course (for which credit is granted only once) no more than two times without permission of the Dean of the Graduate School.
  2. A student will be allowed unlimited enrollments in a graduate course for which credit toward graduation may be received more than once. An institution may limit the number of credit hours for courses that may be taken more than once that apply toward the requirements for a major.

Reviewed by the CON Graduate Committee 09/19/2016; 11/2021

6-2. Graduate Student Academic Progression, Policy #G4280

Description: This policy describes the criteria and processes for progression towards program or degree completion. The graduate nursing policy on academic progression is two-fold in that it includes both the over-arching Graduate School policy and graduate nursing program specific components as identified below.

Graduate School Policy

The 成人视频 graduate nursing program adheres to the graduate student admission and progression policy.

Graduate Nursing Program Policy

The graduate nursing program requires the following additional criteria for progression:

  1. Students are required to successfully complete each course in their respective program plan of study. Successful completion is defined as completing the required course with a grade of 鈥楤鈥 or higher.
  2. Fabrication or misrepresentation of clinical hours, preceptor evaluations or faculty evaluations, either intentionally or unintentionally, will result in failure of the clinical, thus failure of the course (grade 鈥楩鈥), and may result in removal from the program.
  3. Students who do not successfully complete the required course(s) will be required to repeat the course(s) in order to progress in the program.
  4. A student may enroll in a required graduate course (for which credit is granted only once) no more than 2 times without permission of the dean of the Graduate School (per Graduate School policy). Withdrawal from a course(s) is counted towards the number of enrollments in the course(s). Repeated course enrollment is based on space availability in the course.
  5. All students who interrupt continuous registration (excluding summer semester), which will affect progression in the program, are required to complete and submit the following document(s) for review and consideration by the associate dean for academic programs, subcommittee for admissions, progression and graduation and APRN program director (when applicable):
    1. Graduate nursing program application for program readmission (located in D2L NUR 114). In addition, students who have failed to successfully complete a required course or courses, will be required to complete the following:
    2. Graduate nursing program student academic improvement plan (located in D2L, NUR 114). This form will be completed in collaboration with the academic advisor.

Requests are reviewed each semester and decisions made based on space availability and academic performance.

Reviewed by CON Graduate Faculty Committee on 09/19/16; Bylaws Committee on 10/28/2021

6-3. Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Physical Assessment Coursework Expiration for APRN Students, Policy #G4380

Description: This policy provides guidelines for the expiration of coursework in the 鈥3P鈥 courses (Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Physical Assessment) for Graduate Nursing Students who are not currently certified as an APRN. Students must have current knowledge and skills to be competent in these areas. Students may not enroll in a practicum course if the length of time for each of the three courses listed above exceeds 5 years. Additionally, in accordance with the Consensus Model, each of these three courses must contain a lifespan component.

  • Students who are admitted to the Graduate Nursing Program of study will have a plan of study on file which demonstrates the appropriate timeline for each of these three courses.
  • Students who transfer in coursework from another institution will provide evidence of a Family or Lifespan component for each of the 鈥3P鈥 courses. In addition, the coursework needs to be completed no later than 5 years from the enrollment in the 1st practicum course.
  • Students who choose to un-enroll from the plan of study will be notified of this policy.
  • If a student exceeds the 5 year statute of limitations for any of the 鈥3P鈥 courses, the student will need to repeat the course which has expired prior to enrolling in a practicum course.

Approved by the CON Graduate Committee 3/16/2015; 11/2021

6-4. Readmission, Policy #G4390

Description: This policy provides guidelines for previously enrolled graduate student to seek readmission.

Graduate School Policy:

Graduate Nursing Program Policy:

New reference letters and transcripts are not required for the Graduate Nursing Program unless the previously enrolled student has completed coursework at non-成人视频 institutions prior to reapplying for admission. The material will be reviewed by the Graduate Nursing Admissions and Scholastic Standards Committee and a readmission decision to the College of Nursing Graduate Program will be made on a space available basis.

Previous coursework must be current or updated following Graduate School Policies and updated specific program compliance requirements will be required for students inactive for 12 months or greater.

If a previously enrolled student has an enrollment lapse of 12 months or greater, a new application must be completed and submitted to both the 成人视频 Graduate School and the Graduate Nursing Program.

Reviewed by the CON Graduate Committee 12/14/2015; 11/2021
University links updated 2/12/2016 mtd

6-5. Graduate Student Appearance Policy

Purpose: To define the College of Nursing requirements and expectations for appropriate and professional appearance, supporting safe practice in all clinical settings on campus (lab and simulation) and off-campus clinical. Clinical site policies supersede this College of Nursing policy. An approved 成人视频 logo student white coat and name badges are to be worn only for clinical experiences and as authorized by the College of Nursing.

Graduate Nursing students should wear professional attire when meeting with agency personnel for the DNP project and during clinical experiences. Students must wear their 成人视频 student name tag. 

  1. Photo ID name badges
    Photo ID and name badges are required for all clinical activities. The badge is to be worn on the upper half of the torso (not at the waist) and visible to all. If the name badge is lost or damaged, the student is responsible for replacement and should contact their program director or specialization coordinator. Other unique identifying tags may be required per clinical site.
  2. Clinical clothing
    Students should wear business casual attire with the 成人视频 white coat to all clinical experiences. The exception may be on-campus procedure labs. For these experiences, faculty will discuss the dress code before the on-campus experience. Pants should be no shorter than ankle length and they should not touch the ground. Skin-tight pants or leggings are unacceptable clinical attire. Skirts and Dresses should be no shorter than knee length.
  3. AGACNP clinical
    AGACNP students will follow facility institution guidelines for clinicals which occur in sterile environments such as operating rooms. Please consult with faculty for these clinical experiences.
  4. Shoes for all clinical settings
    Clean, flat, protective, fully enclosed professional shoes are required. Examples of unacceptable shoes include but are not limited to mesh shoes, slippers and sandals.
  5. Additional supplies
    Additional supplies needed will be based on the clinical site and experience and may include a watch with a second-timing function, a stethoscope and a black ink pen.
  6. Other expectations for attire and grooming
    1. Hair - Should be clean and neat, worn above the collar and off the face. Facial hair must not compromise personal/patient safety. The College of Nursing recognizes the importance of cultural and religious practices regarding hair styles and head coverings.
    2. Jewelry/piercings/tattoos - Jewelry, piercings and accessories must be minimal, appropriate and safe (infection control and personal/patient safety) for the work being performed. Inappropriate jewelry/tattoos include anything obscene or sexual in nature and/or anything that can be construed to be discriminatory against sex, race, ethnic background or religion. Inappropriate tattoos must be covered with bandages, clothing or cosmetics. Examples of unsafe jewelry/piercings include dangling/hoop/bar and/or gauges that a finger can hook into or pull.
    3. Fragrances - Many individuals are sensitive to environmental odors and pet hair. Students should avoid fragrances (perfume or aftershave, other scented products) as well as tobacco smoke, body odor and pet dander.
    4. Nails - Fingernails should be clean, well-trimmed, and must not prohibit job duties or hand hygiene. Artificial nails, nail adornments, and chipped polish are prohibited for infection control/safety concerns. Some specialized areas may not allow nail polish of any kind.
  7. Additional considerations
    1. Clinical site policies supersede College of Nursing nursing student uniform and appearance policy. For example, in some specialized areas, students will wear the designated uniform of that unit. Students should consult with the APRN program director and course faculty concerning any changes in clinical uniform. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the initiation of a Student Performance Improvement Plan.
  8. Questions
    Any questions related to uniforms, shoes or appearance for students in the professional program should be directed to the program director or specialization coordinator. If a student is unable to comply with this dress code for any reason, they must consult with the program director or specialization coordinator. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the inability to complete the clinical rotation.