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Improving Health through Discovery

The College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions is committed to improving health through innovative and translational research and scholarship.

The Pharmaceutical Sciences faculty, in addition to teaching, are actively involved in research. Our current research portfolio includes projects in oncology, unique drug delivery systems, genomics, neuropharmacology, cardiovascular medications and eye diseases. The department has fully equipped research laboratories that are located in the research wing of the Avera Health and Science Center. The research facilities are utilized by faculty, post-doctoral researchers, graduate students and undergraduate researchers. The department hosts two endowed faculty positions: the Markl Faculty Scholar in Cancer Research and the Haarberg Chair in Cancer Research.

Faculty in the Pharmacy Practice Department and the Allied and Population Health Department are advancing patient care through research and scholarship. Pharmacy practice research and scholarly projects including the development of innovative pharmacy practice models, health disparities, quality improvement and the scholarship of teaching and learning. In 2018, the Hoch Family Endowed Professor for Community Pharmacy Practice was created to focus on the development of innovative community pharmacy practice models and advancing patient care in community pharmacies. The Community Practice Innovation Center (CPIC) brings together faculty, students, researchers and practitioners to lead change within community practice through innovative community engagement and partnerships, research and education and training with a focus on access to care, population health and health outcomes.

Department Research Overview and Research Centers

Associate Dean of Research

Research Staff

Faculty Research Highlights