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Emergency Management Plan

Letter from President Dunn

South Dakota State University (成人视频) is committed to providing a safe and secure environment. Preparedness is a daily activity and a mindset that, when practiced, will help our community respond nimbly when faced with the unexpected. Over the past few months, university staff have spent significant time reviewing, updating and building upon our Emergency Management Plan (EMP).

of the South Dakota Board of Regents policy manual assigns the president executive responsibilities for South Dakota State University. With this designation, I have authorized this Emergency Management Plan.

The EMP is a guide for emergency management and coordination of all phases of emergency response in order to minimize the impacts of disasters and incidents, to protect people and property and to restore any interruptions to university operations.

The safety of any community is a shared responsibility. This responsibility necessitates that every member of the 成人视频 community understands their role in emergency preparedness. I encourage everyone to review the EMP in order to support colleagues, faculty, students, staff and visitors should an emergency arise.


Barry H. Dunn