ࡱ> [ bjbjZYZY 883b83bsm+ ,,,,,@@@8xdl@OtOOOOOOO$\RUn9Oi,N4@t"NN9O,,NO)))N ,,O)NO))RHJX$INO0O!IUN&U<JU,KZ@)04d9O9O(ONNNNU B :  CRYSTAL LEVESQUE 915 8th Ave Brookings, SD, 57006 Office: (605) 688-5011 Cell: (605) 691-5236 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:crystal.levesque@sdstate.edu" crystal.levesque@sdstate.edu  EDUCATION 2007 - 2010: Ph.D. (Nutrition and Metabolism), Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada 1999 - 2002: M.Sc. (Animal Nutrition), Department of Animal and Poultry Science University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 1995 - 1999: B.Sc. with Distinction (Animal Science), Department of Animal and Poultry Science University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada POSITIONS HELD South Dakota State University Assistant Professor 2013-current Dept. of Animal Science Brookings, SD University of Guelph Postdoctoral Fellow 2011-2012 Dept. of Animal and Poultry Science Guelph, ON (Supervisor: Kees de Lange) Prairie Swine Centre Research Coordinator (Pig as a model) 2010-2011 Saskatoon, SK University of Alberta Postdoctoral Fellow 2010-2011 Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science Edmonton, AB (Supervisor: Ron Ball) University of Alberta Graduate Researcher 2007-2010 Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science Edmonton, AB (Supervisor: Ron Ball, Paul Pencharz) University of Alberta Vice President Academic 2008-2009 Graduate Students Association Edmonton, AB Maureens Caf Restaurant Owner/Operator 2003-2007 Saskatoon, SK Prairie Swine Centre Research and Information Services Asst 2002-2003 Saskatoon, SK AWARDS 2017 Woman of Distinction, South Dakota State University n/a 2010 Alberta Institute for Human Nutrition AGM, Student competition $100 2010 Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation IUNS travel award $1875* 2009 National Science and Engineering Research Council PGS-D (2 yr) $24,000 2009 University of Alberta Presidents Doctoral Prize of Distinction $10,000 2009 Walter H. Johns Fellowship $1,500 2008 Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship $11,400 1999 Kellie Aulie Memorial Scholarship in Animal Science $600 *declined PUBLICATIONS a. Articles published or accepted in refereed journals Miller, E., C.L. Levesque, N.L. Trottier, and C.F.M. de Lange. 2016. Dynamics of nitrogen retention in second and third parity sows at two feeding levels. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas2017.1444. Miller, E., C.L. Levesque, N.L. Trottier, and C.F.M. de Lange. 2016. Dynamics of nitrogen retention in gestating gilts at two feeding levels. J Anim Sci. doi: 10.2527/jas.2016-0539 Lim, D.W., Levesque, C.L., Vines, D.F., Muto, M., Koepke, J., Nations, P.N., Wizzard, P.R., Li, J., Bigam, D.L., Brubaker, P.L., Turner, J.M., and Wales, P.W. 2017. Synergy of glucagon-like peptide-2 and epidermal growth factor co-administration on intestinal adaptation in neonatal piglets with short bowel syndrome. Am J Physiol: Gastr Liver Physiol (GI-00281-2016R1) doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00281.2016 Woyengo, T., Patterson, R., and Levesque, C.L. 2016. Nutritive value of cold-pressed soybean cake with or without extrusion or supplementation of multi-enzyme for pigs. J. Anim. Sci. doi: 10.2527/jas.2016-0822. Sinn, S., Gibbons, W.R., Brown, M.L., DeRouchey, J.M., and Levesque, C.L. 2015 Evaluation of microbially-enhanced soybean meal as an alternative to fishmeal in weaned pig diets. Animal. doi: 10.1017/S1751731116002020. Hooda, S., Levesque, C.L., Depp, D., Hu, Y., Gong, J., and de Lange, C.F.M. Ileal mucosa and digesta associated microbiota of starter pigs and changes linked to time post-weaning and dietary interventions. J. Anim. Sci. 94:344-348. Levesque, C.L., Turner, J., Li, J., Wizzard, P., St. Pierre, B., Lim, D., and Wales, P. 2016. In a neonatal piglet model of intestinal failure administration of antibiotics and lack of enteral nutrition have greater impact on intestinal microflora than surgical resection alone. J Paren Ent Nutr. February 2, 2016, doi: 10.1177/0148607115626903. Koch, K.M., Thaler, R.C., Baidoo, S.K., Levesque, C.L., and Bott, R.C. 2015. Characterization of energy and performance of swine fed a novel corn-soybean extruded product. J. Anim. Sci. Biotech. In press Levesque, C.L., Hooda, S., Swanson, K., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2014. Alterations in ileal mucosal bacteria related to diet complexity and reduced and compensatory growth performance in young pigs. PlosONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108472. Skinner, D.L., Levesque, C.L., Wey, D., Rudar, M., Zhu, J., Hooda, S., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2013. Impact of nursery feeding program on subsequent growth performance, carcass quality, meat quality, physical and chemical body composition of growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. doi: 10.2527/jas.2013-6743 Levesque, C.L., Yu, H., Gong, J., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2012. Ileal mucosa-associated, but not digesta, bacterial profiles in grower pigs are influenced by nutrition and use of antibiotics for starter pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 90 Suppl 4:448-450. Levesque, C.L., Zhu, J., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2012. Changes in digestive capability in response to diet quality, time post-weaning, and compensatory growth in pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 90 Suppl 4:236-238. De Ridder, K., Levesque, C.L., Htoo, J.K., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2012. Immune stimulation reduces the efficiency of tryptophan utilization for body protein deposition in growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4830. Elango, R., Levesque, C.L., Ball, R.O., and Pencharz, P.B. 2012. Available versus digestible amino acids new stable isotope methods. Br. J. Nutr. 108:5308-5314. Moehn, S., Levesque, C.L., and Ball, R.O. 2011. Protein intake but not feed intake affects dietary net energy for pigs. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2011.01262. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2011. The metabolic availability of threonine in common feedstuffs fed to sows is greater than published ileal digestibility estimates. J. Nutr. 141:406-410. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. The threonine requirement of sows increases in late gestation. J. Anim. Sci. 89:93-102. Beaulieu, A.D., Levesque, C.L., and Patience, J.F. 2006. The effect of dietary energy concentration and weaning site on weanling pig performance. J. Anim. Sci. 84:1159. b. Book chapters Levesque, C.L. 2014. Metabolic availability in foods of plant origin. In DMello (ed) Amino Acids in Higher Plants. In review. de Lange, C.F.M, Levesque, C.L., and Kerr, B. 2012. Amino acid nutrition and feed efficiency. In J.F. Patience (ed) Feed efficiency in swine. Wageningan Academic Publishers, Netherlands. In press. Levesque, C.L., and Ball, R.O. 2012. Protein and amino acid requirements. In M. Stipanuk and M.A. Caudill (eds) Biochemical, Physiological, & Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition, 3rd ed. Elsevier Press. St. Louis, MO. Levesque, C.L., Elango, R., and Ball, R.O. 2011. Metabolic availability of amino acids in food proteins: New methodology. In J.P.F. DMello (ed) Amino acids in human nutrition and health. CABI Int., Wallingford, UK. c. Other refereed contributions de Lange, C.F.M., Levesque, C.L., and Martnez-Ramrez, H. 2013. Exploring the biology of energy and protein utilization in non-ruminant animals to improve nutrient utilization efficiencies. In (Ed. J. W. Oltjen) Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition. EAAP Publication #128. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Elango, R., Levesque, C., Ball, R. O., and Pencharz, P. B. 2011. Available versus digestible amino acids new stable isotope methods. Inter. Symp.: Dietary protein for human health. Mar 27-30, 2011. Aukland, NZ. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. In (Ed. G. Matteo Crovetto) Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition. EAAP Publication # 127. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. p149-150. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. The metabolic availability of threonine in corn and barley fed to pregnant sows. In (Ed. G. Matteo Crovetto) Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition. EAAP Publication # 127. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. p113-114. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2009. Review of advances in metabolic bioavailability of amino acid. Livest. Sci. 133:4-9. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Samuel, R.S., and Ball, R.O. 2009. Energy and amino acid requirements of prolific sows. SUIS-ASIS Veterinaria. Vol. 61. PRESENTATIONS a. Academic conferences Welu, S., Holt, J., Levesque, C.L., and Thaler, R.C. 2017. Effects of dietary Microfused Essential Oils Technology on growth performance, jejunal histology, and meat quality of coccidiosis-challenged broilers. Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, July 2017, Orlando, FL. Lee, J.W., Levesque, C.L., and Woyengo, T. Nutritive value of extruded cold-pressed camelina cake for pigs. Midwest ASAS, March 2017, Omaha NE. Scholtz, E., Levesque, C.L., and Woyengo, T. Evaluation of berberine as an alternative to antibiotics in nursery pig diets. Midwest ASAS, March 2017, Omaha, NE. Koepke, J., Gibbons, W., Brown, M., Kaushik, R. and Levesque, C.L. Evaluation of a bio-processed soybean meal on nursery pig performance and immune status Midwest ASAS, March 2017, Omaha, NE J. Ortman, Sinn, S., St-Pierre, B., and Levesque, C.L. Comparative analysis of bacterial composition in the ileum of early post-weaned piglets fed microbially enhanced soybean meal and fishmeal Midwest ASAS, March 2017, Omaha NE. M. Renken, Thaler, R.C., Clapper, J., and Levesque, C.L. The impact of oregano essential oil supplementation over 2 complete reproductive cycles in multiparous sows Midwest ASAS, March 2017, Omaha NE C.L. Levesque, S, Jalukar, N. Gutierrez, and J.F. Patience. Inclusion of a hydrolyzed yeast product in grow/finish pig diets reduced mortality Midwest ASAS, March 14 16, 2016. C.L. Levesque, S, Jalukar, S. Gould, and J.F. Patience. Inclusion of a hydrolyzed yeast product in nursery pig diets impacts pig immune response. Midwest ASAS, March 14 16, 2016 David Lim, Crystal Lvesque, Paul Wales, Donna Vine, Patrick Nation, Pamela Wizzard, David Sigalet, Julang Li, David Bigam and Justine Turner. Combination trophic peptide therapy for neonatal short bowel syndrome. Digestive Disease Week, May 21 24, 2016. W. Gibbons, M. Brown, J. Anderson, N.D. Senevirathne, C.L. Levesque, S. Sinn, and S. Sindelar. A Fungal Process to Enhance the Nutritional Value of Soybean Meal for Fish and Weaning Livestock. Society Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. July 24 28, 2016. J. Koepke, R. Thaler, and C.L. Levesque. Evaluation of cold-pressed soybean meal and pea protein as alternative amino acid sources in swine. ASAS Annual Meeting, July 20-23, 2016. T.W. Woyengo, R. Patterson, and C.L. Levesque. Nutritive value of cold-pressed camelina cake with or without supplementation of multi-carbohydrase in pig diets. ASAS Annual meeting, July 20-23, 2016. M. Renken, R. Thaler and C.L. Levesque. Oregano essential oil supplementation in gestation and lactation diets shortened birthing interval in primparous and multi-parous sows. ASAS Annual meeting, July 20-23, 2016. Levesque, C.L., Wales, P., and Turner, J. Phylogenetic characterization of the intestinal microbiome in two anatomically different piglet models of SBS, Clinical Nutrition Week, February 14 17, 2015 Miller, E.G., Wey, D.C., Levesque, C.L., and de Lange, C.F.M. Whole body and total maternal protein deposition in gestating gilts at two feeding levels. Midwest ASAS, March 16 18, 2015 Delles, R.M., Gregory, S., Levesque, C.L. and Samuel, R.S. Digestibility of crude fat and energy from a micro-algae meal for nursery pigs. Midwest ASAS, March 16 18, 2015 Koepke, J., Lim, D., Wales, P.W., Wizzard, P., Sigalet, D., Li,, J., Turner, J.M., and Levesque, C.L. Exogenous glucagon-like peptide 2 and epidermal growth factor are important trophic factors associated with enhanced intestinal tissue repair and barrier function in a piglet model of intestinal failure. Midwest ASAS, March 16 18, 2015 Ampaire, A. and Levesque, C.L.. Effect of altered dietary Lysine: energy ratio in gestation on gilt performance and piglet survivability. Midwest ASAS, March 16 18, 2015 Sinn, S.M., Gibbons, W., Brown, M., DeRouchey, J.M., and Levesque, C.L. Evaluation of a microbially-converted soybean meal as a substitute for fishmeal in weaned pig diets. Midwest ASAS, March 16 18, 2015 Sinn, S.M., Gibbons, W., Brown, M., DeRouchey, J., and Levesque, C.L. Determination of ileal digestible amino acid content in microbially-converted soybean meal and fishmeal. Midwest ASAS, March 16 18, 2015 Koepke, J., Lim, D., Wales, P.W., Wizzard, P., Sigalet, D., Li, J., Turner, J.M., and Levesque, C.L.( Glucagon-like peptide 2 and epidermal growth factor promote intestinal adaptation in two neonatal intestinal failure models. Experimental Biology, March 28  April 1, 2015 Lim, D., Lvesque, C., Wales, P., Vine, D., Nation, P., Wizzard, P., Sigalet, D., Li, J., Bigam, D. and Turner, J. Combined Glucagon-like Peptide-2 and Epidermal Growth Factor Therapy Maximally Stimulates Adaptation in Neonatal Intestinal Failure without Ileum, Experimental Biology, March 28 April 1, 2015 Miller, E., Wey, D., de Lange, C.F.M., and Levesque, C.L. 2013. Variability in daily urinary nitrogen excretion in gestating gilts at 2 levels of energy. Midwest ASAS Annual meeting, A#:O131, March 11-13, Des Moines, IA, oral presentation. Levesque, C.L., Swanson, K.S., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2013. Mucosal bacteria associated with periods of reduced and compensatory growth. Midwest ASAS Annual meeting, A#:O099, March 11-13, Des Moines, IA, oral presentation. Levesque, C.L., Miller, E., Zhu, J., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2013. Simple assessment of piglet robustness in relation to nursery diet quality and feeding. Midwest ASAS Annual meeting, A#:O093, March 11-13, Des Moines, IA, oral presentation. Levesque, C.L., de Ridder, K., Skinner, L.D., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2012. Intestinal damage in weanling pigs following a nutritional insult is transient. Fed. of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology J. 26:3836, April 20-25. Anaheim, CA, poster. Levesque, C.L., de Ridder, K., Htoo, J.K., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2011. During inflammation whole body nitrogen retention is reduced in pigs fed tryptophan limiting diets. Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. June 2-4. Guelph, ON, poster. Martinez-Ramirez, H., Levesque, C.L., Kramer, J.K.G., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2011. Early feeding of -linoleic acid leads to long-term retention of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosapetaenoic acid. Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. June 2-4. Guelph, ON, poster. Martinez-Ramirez, H., Pivotto, L.M., Mandell, I.B., Levesque, C.L., Kramer, J.K.G., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2011. Effect of short- or long-term feeding of flaxseed or fish oil on n-3 fatty acid content and sensory evaluation of pork loin. Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. June 2-4. Guelph, ON, poster. Martinez-Ramirez, H., Levesque, C.L., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2011. Whole body retention and conversion efficiency of -linoleic acid to long change omega-3 fatty acids in pigs fed flaxseed. Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. June 2-4. Guelph, ON, poster. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. The order of limitation of lysine, threonine and branched-chain amino acids in late pregnancy. Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting. June 3-6. Edmonton, AB, poster. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. A 2-fold increase in threonine intake is required in late pregnancy. Fed. of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology J. 24:2823, April 24-28. Anaheim, CA, poster. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. Metabolic availability of threonine in common food foodstuffs in pigs. Fed. of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology J. 24:5889, April 24-28. Anaheim, CA, poster. Levesque, C.L. Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2009. The threonine requirement in sows increases in late gestation. 2009. Canadian Society of Animal Science. Annual General Meeting. July 12-16. Montreal, QC. Graduate student oral presentation competition. Abstract #224 Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2009. Threonine requirement increases in late pregnancy. Fed. of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology J. 23:LB421, April 21-24. New Orleans, LA, poster. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2009. Protein turnover during pregnancy. Fed. of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology J. 23:LB420, New Orleans, LA, poster. Levesque, C.L. Patience, J.F., Beltranena , E., and Zjilstra, R.T. 2002. Impact of stocking density/group size on the response to changes in dietary energy content of weanling pigs from 25 to 53 d of age. 2002 American Society of Anim. Sci. Midwestern Section, March 20-22, Des Moines, IA. poster. Abstract #117. (MSc work). Levesque, C.L. Effect of site of weaning and dietary DE content on performance to 56 d of age. 2001 Annual meeting of the American Society of Animal Science Midwestern Section, March 19-21, Des Moines, IA, oral presentation. Abstract #223. (MSc work). b. Industry Meetings/Technology Transfer Levesque, C.L., Miller, E., Trottier, N.L., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2017. Precision feeding of the pregnant gilt: the pattern of maternal and pregnancy-associated protein deposition. National Hog Farmer, Mar. 2, 2017. Levesque, C.L., Miller, E., Trottier, N.L., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2017. Precision feeding of the pregnant gilt: the pattern of maternal and pregnancy-associated protein deposition. National Hog Farmer, Mar. 2, 2017. Woyengo, T., Levesque, C., Thaler, R., and Patterson, R. 2017. Extruded Cold-Pressed Soybean Cake as Source of Energy and Amino Acids for Pigs. National Hog Farmer, Feb. 2, 2017 Miller, E.G., D.C. Wey, C.L. Levesque, C.F.M. de Lange. 2015. Dynamics of nitrogen retention in gestating sows implications for feeding programs. Proceedings 34th Centralia Research Update. Kirkton, ON. January 28, 2015. Levesque, C.L. 2014. Immunology of the gut taking the good with the bad. Minnesota Nutrition Conference, September 15-16, 2014. Levesque, C.L., Skinner, L.D., Rudar, M., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2012. The impact of inexpensive nursery pig diets on grower/finisher performance and carcass quality. Centralia Swine Research Update, January 25. Kirkton, ON, Canada. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Ball, R.O., and Pencharz, P.B. 2011. The bioavailability of threonine in feedstuffs fed to gestating sows is greater than published ileal digestibility estimates. September 2011. http://www.feedinfo.com. Levesque, C.L., Skinner, L.D., Rudar, M., and de Lange, C.F.M. 2011. Impact of post-weaning feeding stratedies on subsequent productivity of growing pigs. Mike Wilson Day, May 31, Guelph, ON, oral presentation. Levesque, C.L., Moehn, S., Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2011. The first limiting amino acid in late gestation may not be lysine. Advances in Pork Production, Proc. 2011 Banff Pork Seminar, Vol 22. Abstract#10. (PhD work) poster. Moehn, S., Franco, D., Levesque, C.L., Samuel, R.S., and Ball, R.O. 2011. New energy and amino acid requirements for gestating sows. Advances in Pork Production, Proc. 2011 Banff Pork Seminar, Vol. 22: Levesque, C.L. Moehn, S. Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. The requirement for threonine in early and late gestation in sows. Advances in Pork Production, Proc. 2010 Banff Pork Seminar, Vol. 21, Abstract #12, (PhD work) poster. Levesque, C.L. Moehn, S. Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2010. Greater availability of amino acids in feedstuffs in sows compared to growing pigs. Advances in Pork Production, Proc. 2010 Banff Pork Seminar, Vol. 21, Abstract #11, (PhD work) poster. Levesque, C.L. Moehn, S. Pencharz, P.B., and Ball, R.O. 2009. Threonine requirement of sows in early and late gestation. Advances in Pork Production, Proc. 2009 Banff Pork Seminar, Vol. 20, Abstract #2, oral presentation. Levesque, C.L. Patience, J.F., Beltranena, E., and Zjilstra, R.T. 2002. Response to dietary energy content and stocking density in weaned pigs. Advances in Pork Production, 2002. Vol. 13, Abstract #23. (MSc work), poster. Levesque, C.L. Patience, J.F., Beltranena , E., and Zjilstra, R.T. 2001. Response to site of weaning (On vs OFF) and dietary energy content on performance of weaned pigs. Advances in Pork Production, 2001 Vol. 12, Abstract #41. (MSc work), poster. Levesque, C.L. 2001. Response of early weaned pigs to dietary energy levels. Manitoba Swine Producer meeting, oral presentation. Levesque, C.L. Patience, J.F., Beltranena , E., and Zjilstra, R.T. 2000. Response of conventional (CEW) and segregated (SEW) early-weaned pigs to three levels of dietary energy. 2000. Saskatchewan Pork Symp., November 14-16, Saskatoon, SK. (MSc work), oral presentation. c. Invited talks Levesque, C.L., National Pork Board Webinar Series Alternatives to Antibiotics. August 23, 2016. Evaluation of a microbially-converted soybean meal as a substitute for fishmeal in nursery pig diets Levesque, C.L., Opportunities for collaborative research at Ƶ, Prairie Swine Centre, July 3, 2015 Ball, R.O., G. Courtney-Martin, S. Moehn, M. Rafii, R. Elango, C. Levesque, P. Pencharz. 2015 Metabolic availability of lysine in cornmeal for adult humans compared to growing pigs. Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Kliczkow, Poland. Mary 19 21, 2015. Hooda, S., C. Levesque, D. Lepp, H. Yu, J. Gong, C.F.M. de Lange. 2015. Dynamic changes in ileal mucosa and digesta microbiome in weaned pigs. Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Kliczkow, Poland. Mary 19 21, 2015. Levesque, C.L. and C. Chase, Immunology of the gut, Minnesota Nutrition Conference, Sept 17-18, 2014 EXTERNAL FUNDING MN Pork Producer Council 2017 Increasing the Demand for US Soybeans-Soybean Meal in Southeast Asia Through Collaborative Graduate Student Training at Ƶ $15,000 (1 year) co-PI MN Soybean Research and Promotion Council 2017 Integrity gut in weaned pigs fed diets containing soybean products that are derived from a low-anti-nutritional factor variety of soybean. $40,000 (1 year) co-PI Ƶ Griffiths Undergraduate Research Award 2017. Effect of essential oil supplementation of lactation diets on reproductive performance and fecal characteristics of sows. $3,000 (1 year) PI. Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research New Innovator Award 2017 Redefining amino acid requirements in pregnancy for precision sow feeding $600,000 (5 years) PI South Dakota Pork Producers Council 2016. Influence of essential oil supplementation in sow diets on offspring post-natal growth performance $6,000 (1 year) PI SD Soybean Research Council 2016 Evaluation of a microbially-converted soybean meal on nursery pig immune response, intestinal microbiota, and disease resistance $79,222 (1 year) PI Canadian Institute of Health Research 2016 Evaluating the dietary protein quality of cereal grains to meet human nutrition needs by measuring the metabolic availability of the most limiting amino; lysine $650,000 (5 years). co-PI MN Soybean Research and Promotion Council 2017 Nutrient digestibilities & immunological responses of weaned pigs to a soybean variety free of P34 protein, TI, & lectins $63,190 (1 year) co-PI MN Soybean Research and Promotion Council 2017. Increasing the Long-Term Demand for US Soybeans & Soybean Meal in Southeast Asian Through Collaborative Graduate Student Training at Ƶ $15,000 (1 year) co-PI South Dakota Pork Producers Council 2016 Influence of essential oil supplementation in sow diets on offspring post-natal growth performance $6,000 (1 year), PI SD Soybean Research Council 2015 Evaluation of a microbially-converted soybean meal on nursery pig immune status and response to disease. $153,500 (2 years), PI. Minnesota Pork Board 2014 Effects of phase feeding gestating and lactating sows on reproduction performance, piglet robustness at birth and post-weaning $50,000 (1 year), co-PI National Pork Board SREE 2014 Determination of nutrient digestibility of cold-pressed soybean meal, $6,000 (1 year) PI National Pork Board 2014 Evaluation of a microbially-converted soybean meal as a substitute for fishmeal and a dietary acidifier in nursery pig diets and its effect on post-weaning diarrhea $41,549 (1 year), PI SD Soybean Research Council 2014 Efficacy of soybean meal in reducing the effect of a PRRS challenge in pigs. $131,074 (2 year), co-applicant SD Soybean Research Council 2013 alternative ingredient evaluation $39,890 (1 year), PI South Dakota Pork Producers Council 2013 alternative ingredient digestibility $6,000 (1 year), PI A.S.P.E.N. Rhoads Research Foundation 2013 A pilot study of systemic glucagon like peptide combined with oral epidermal growth factor and characterization of gut microbiome in short bowel piglets with and without ileum, $50,000 (2 years), PI Ontario Pork 2012, Impact of starter pig nutrition on pig robustness and compensatory growth, $86,000 (2 years), co-applicant Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs 2012, Patterns of nitrogen retention and nutrient utilization efficiency in gestating and lactating sows, UofG2011-1029, $121,390 (3 years), co-applicant Ontario Pork 2011, Determinants of amino acid requirements of gestating and lactating sows, $92,893 (3 years), co-applicant TEACHING Instructor Graduate seminar, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, 2015 - current Swine Production (Spring semester) South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, 2014 present Current Issues in Animal Science (Fall semester) South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, 2014 2015 Lecturer/TA Introduction to Nutrition University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (Fall 2009; Winter 2010; Spring 2010) Fundamentals of Animal Nutrition; University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (Fall 2010) Agricultural Sciences I, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK (Fall 2009, 2010) SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY NCCC-042 and S-1061 multi-state research groups, organizing committee 2014 - 2017. Nonruminant Nutrition Symposiumm, Midwest ASAS, Organizing committee 2015 - 2017 Experimental Animal Nutrition RIS Steering Committee, Experimental Biology, 2015 2017 Graduate and undergraduate curriculum review committee, Ƶ, 2015 2016 Faculty standards document working group, Ƶ, 2013 2014 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING Ƶ Faculty Inquiry Group: Redesigning a course: creating significant learning experiences, May 25 July 27, 2016 2014 Summer AL Cloud Academy, Ƶ, June 2 6, 2014 Indirect Calorimetry, Short course, European Association of Animal Production, September 13-15, 2013 Teaching Enhancement Series. Theory and practice of the teaching and learning in Higher Education, University of Alberta, Nov/Dec 2009. Searching for a postdoctoral fellowship. University of Alberta, Nov 2009. National Institutional Animal User Training Program: Handling and Biomedical Research Techniques in Swine, May 2009 Professional Development Program. Fed. of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology, April 21-24, 2009 Student Interest Grou!4568>ADFNOX\]efopøڨvi_hhrL5>*hVRha0JCJaJhahaCJaJhaCJaJjhaCJUaJhrLh>CJaJhrLCJaJh>CJaJhs CJaJhrLhrLCJaJhrLh t CJaJhqhqCJH*aJhqCJaJhrLhrL5CJ aJ hrLjhrLUmHnHu$6Of3 ` B u v  B  lgdagdEt` `^``gd_|T XgdrL XgdDX^XgdrL2 4 I U W _ ` g   A B j l t u v û񨝨û񨒊ûxqfha5>*CJaJ hhEt`hhEt`5>*hrLCJaJhvCJaJhvhvCJaJhvhrLCJaJhvh.CJaJhCJaJhs CJaJh CJaJh.hCJaJh.CJaJh.h.CJaJhjCJaJh_|TCJaJ hhrL&    L Z ^ h j ~ 1 H J _ ` s y } ~ ȭ}ȸ}}odXd}dhvhEt`5CJaJhvhEt`CJaJhvhEt`5>*CJaJhjCJaJhj5CJaJhj5>*CJaJh+(h+(CJaJh+(5CJaJh+(5>*CJaJh+(CJaJh^[CJaJhDCJaJhD5CJaJhD5>*CJaJhahaCJaJha5CJaJhaCJaJ B i j % I J ~  < I J } gdEt` @ gdEt`  lgda~   F H J X r %&;<Huj_h%vhsOJQJhqQ5>*CJaJh_|ThEt`5>*CJaJhxhxhEt`CJaJhxhxCJaJhhxmCJaJhxmCJaJ hhEt`hhEt`5>*hhEt`CJaJh5 CJaJhEt`5CJaJhEt`5>*CJaJh^[CJaJh CJaJhEt`CJaJ &oSz<DEd^`EgdZLd^`Lgd 67Ld^`LgdZLd^`Lgd 67$a$gdEt`gdEt` 8gd p 8gdxmHUz{ =>CDY&)ͷ{m{`{h5Qh 67OJPJQJh&h 675OJPJQJh 67OJPJQJh%vhZCJOJQJaJhZCJOJQJaJh%vhZ5OJQJh%vhZOJQJh 67hsOJQJh+h 67OJQJh 67OJQJhph 67OJQJhsOJQJh%vhsOJQJh%vhs5OJQJ )*CDdqyR_ ƺƯơƒ{sh]{sM>hZhZCJOJQJaJhZhZ5CJOJQJaJhYuh 67OJQJhrnh 67OJQJh 67OJQJhZhZ5OJQJhZhZOJQJh7hZCJOJQJaJh 67CJOJQJ^JaJh7hZOJQJh7hZ5OJQJhZOJQJhph 67OJQJ"h 670JCJOJQJaJmH sH (h+h 670JCJOJQJaJmH sH 7Q |% & 7 }!X"0#$a$gdEt`$L^`La$gdskW L^`LgdskWLd^`LgdskWE^`EgdZEd^`EgdZ567=CKQX^_`gmosw| ӽsjc]TKAhzhz5CJhzhzCJh h?CJ h?CJ h?5CJhZ5OJQJh$hskW5OJQJhZhZ5OJQJhZOJQJh$hskWOJQJhZhZ5CJOJQJaJhZhZCJOJQJaJ+hZhZ0JCJOJQJ\aJmH sH +hZhZ0JCJOJQJ\aJmH sH +hZhZ0JCJOJQJ\aJmH sH  %/9;GgĽԨĽ}ukauVheJ"heJ"CJaJh>~Lh>~L0J]h>~Lh>~L0J]heJ"CJaJh>~LCJaJh>~L5CJaJhc+CJaJ h#CJ h ?CJ hfvCJhfvhfvCJh#CJaJhM hMhMhzCJaJh$VCJaJhfvCJaJhfv5CJaJ h%K0J h%K0J hzCJhzhzCJ!PQ\jv  *Jqz{| $ % & ܾwl`llwXh_|TCJaJh_|ThEt`5CJaJh_|ThEt`CJaJh6h6CJaJh6CJaJh65CJaJh h CJaJhT]lCJaJhjCJaJh\CJaJh CJaJh 5CJaJhT]lhlCJaJhqQ5CJaJhqQCJaJh*hQEHCJaJhQEH5CJaJhQEHCJaJ & 7 F L |!}!!!!!!2"4"I"V"W"X"h""#/#0#1#2#ͺvme]eRhB3hB3CJaJhr)TCJaJhB3CJaJhB35CJaJh)h)CJaJh)h)CJH*aJhT]lCJaJh)CJaJh)5CJaJh$h$CJaJh$5CJaJh$CJaJheheOJQJheOJQJ heCJheheCJheCJaJhe5CJaJhB35>*CJaJ0#1#Q#$q%M&z'((((()s*++,-3.Ld^`LgdZLd7$8$H$^`LgdsLd^`Lgds$L^`La$gd^h L^`Lgd^h$a$gdEt`2#Q#c#q#$$$$$$$$p%q%%M&\&y'z'''(((( ((((((ɵɪwle^Ph_|Th_|T5>*CJaJ hEg5>* h_|Th_|Th_|ThEt`CJaJh_|ThEt`5CJaJhDCJaJhZ&CJaJh_|ThZ&CJaJh_|ThZ&5CJaJh hlCJaJhLhlCJaJhl5CJaJhlCJaJh/4CJaJhWsCJaJhO5CJaJhOCJaJh_|ThEt`5>*CJaJ(((((())))))))))))) *r*s***++!+++H+U+W+++κκίm`R`mh5Qhs5OJPJQJh5QhsOJPJQJ$h5Qhs@B*OJQJ\ph#h5Qhs5B*OJQJ\ph&&& h5QhsB*OJQJ\ph&&&h5Qhs5OJQJh5QhsOJQJhsOJQJhnWhs5OJQJhnWhsOJQJh_|ThEt`5>*CJaJh_|ThEg5>*CJaJhY5>*CJaJ ++++++, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,^----3.@.l..../u/ڽνΫ⑆whWh h%vhZ5B*OJQJph&&&h%vhZB*OJQJph&&&h%vhZCJOJQJaJh%vhZOJQJh%vhZ5OJQJhsB*OJQJ\ph&&&#h5Qhs5B*OJQJ\ph&&& h5QhsB*OJQJ\ph&&&h5Qhs5OJQJhsOJQJh5QhsOJQJ$h5Qhs@B*OJQJ\ph3../01m2D3 44u56u7D89Z;<=>? 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American Society of Nutrition. Fed. of Amer. Soc. for Experimental Biology, April 21-24, 2009 Species/Technique Specific Training Modules: Swine in Biomedical Research. Dept. of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Alberta, Sept 2007. Aseptic Techniques in Surgery: Basic Suturing and Instrument Handling. Dept. of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Alberta, Jan 2008. Graduate Ethics Training. University of Alberta, Sept 2007. SKILLS Experienced communicator: oral and written Extensive public speaking experience both in formal and classroom environments Proficient in Microsoft Office 2010, Word, Power Point, Excel, Simply Accounting, SAS 9.2 Certified as Good Lab Practitioner (GLP) Certified as primary surgeon for implantation of subcutaneous injection port and cephalic vein catheter in sows and intestinal cannulation in pigs     CRYSTAL LEVESQUE  W^2[$a$gdrL x^x`gd>*/1ƾƾƶƮ+(Ա+(ɱ䴳>䴳䴳䴳<CJaJhFCJaJhCJaJhhCJaJ h`5%h x^x`gd>6&P1F:p m/ =!"#$% s02 0@P`p28 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4@4 rLHeader  !4 @4 rLFooter  !6U`6 rL Hyperlink >*B*ph&o!& >~Lcit-doi&o1& >~Lcit-sep<oA< %Kslug-metadata-note(oQ( %Kslug-doib@bb skW0List Paragraphd^m$CJOJPJQJaJP@rP Z0 Comment TextCJOJPJQJ^JaJF/F Z0Comment Text Char OJPJQJHoH Zslug-metadata-note3 <HoH Zslug-ahead-of-print-date@o@ 67label15CJH*\aJr@bob 67highwire-cite-metadata-doiCJH*aJr@PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< m "$&(*- ~ H) & 2#(+u/u59l;A0NQW]ac.fimeq];=>@BCEFGHJKLNOPQSTUWXZ[\^_afB 0#3.?R`gpW<?ADIMRVY]`egomX@  @ (  VB @ C D"?N(  VB  C D"?VB @ C D"?B S  ?mU!Ut7!7t-#!#ulsmsnsospsqs}}mm9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity Z^\d '   & ) u ? 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