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Becky Converse

Becky Converse
Becky Converse

Eminent Homemaker

County: Kingsbury

If there's something that can be done to beautify the City of Arlington or preserve its history, Rebecca "Becky" Converse gets involved. Nordland Isle is perhaps one of her more visible projects. With its bountiful perennial flower gardens, surrounded by a healthy lake inhabited by geese, visitors can enjoy the colorful island from afar or visit via a walking bridge. As a museum volunteer she and other volunteers had been collecting and preserving community artifacts for years. They were instrumental in preserving and restoring the development of the Arlington Community Museum.
Born and raised in the Arlington area, Converse has been an active member of the community since childhood when she actively participated in 4-H and was a cheerleader. She is a founding member of the Arlington Community Foundation, a member of the Winsor Wives Extension Club which became the Share n' Learn Club, was a Sunday School Teacher at Arlington United Methodist Church and, in 2009, was honored as the Arlington Area Chamber of Commerce "Person of the Year."
Converse and her husband, Loren, have four children; Ken, Kamilla Converse, Kristen Dirks, and Karyn Weber.