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Beverly Burnham

Beverly Burnham

Eminent Homemaker

County: Tripp

Beverly Burnham came to South Dakota from Nebraska. She taught in country schools for 12 years before starting a family. Beverly and her husband, Bob, owned and operated a cattle ranch, and in 1966 started a dairy operation that eventually grew to more than 200 head. Over the years, the dairy herd won many awards from the Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Widowed in 1974 with three young children, Beverly experienced the responsibilities and trials of raising a family alone and operating a ranch and dairy.

Although not a 4-H leader, she hosted numerous dairy judging schools and built a riding arena at her home for the local 4-H members to use for practice. In 1982, she was chosen as the local Homemaker of the Year. Two years later, she received the Distinguished International Academy of Noble Achievement award from Epsilon Sigma Alpha, in recognition of her commitment to community service.

Beverly has been an active member of the Millboro and Tripp County Community and Family Extension Leaders Organization for 47 years. She is a member of the Order of Eastern Star, and American Legion Auxiliary of Unit No. 146 in Colome. She has served 34 years as township board treasurer and was a member of the Millboro School Board before it became part of the Winner School District. In 1997, she joined the Tripp County Fair Board and worked diligently to improve the fairgrounds. Because of her leadership, more than $126,000 has been raised from grants and fundraisers.