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Chester (Myrl) Moe

Chester Moe
Chester (Myrl) Moe

Eminent Homemaker

County: Hanson

Myrl Peck was born in Virginia, lived for a time in Indiana and came to South Dakota in 1918 where she met her future husband, Chester Moe, three years later. During her lifetime here she has probably influenced the lives of more children in Hanson County than any other person.

As she raised six children of her own she found time to be a 4-H leader for 31 years, a home extension club member for 32 years and a school board member for 45 years and a member of the Fulton Methodist Church for an even longer period. She has served on the Hanson County Board of Education, an area committee for school district reorganization, and has helped with a number of community drives. She has the reputation of “one of those persons who will do things that no one else is willing to do.â€

While she has been very active in community activities her first interest has been her family. In them she has instilled her philosophy that “if you have something to do, it will keep you out of mischief—besides work never hurt anyone. You are happiest when you are busy.â€

Her family includes Frances, who is now married, Everett Pitts, a farm homemaker and a teacher in Fulton,; Wilma, who is married, Roy Putzier, also of Fulton, and also a teacher in a rural school in the area; Ethel, who is married, Merlin Williams, and the wife of a meteorologist at Fresno, California. The Moe sons, Earl, Roy and Robert occupy farms in the same community. Robert now manages the home place.

Even though the Moes have a collection of 21 grandchildren, they still find time to work with children of this Hanson County community.