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Chlora Delpha Strand

Mrs. Chlora Strand
Chlora Delpha Strand

Eminent Homemaker

County: Brown

Chlora Strand was born in Indiana, graduated from grammar school and normal school there, then taught rural school for 10 years. She always had an active interest in education.

At the time she was honored as a Master Farm Homemaker, the Strands owned and operated a 480-acre farm in South Dakota near Ellendale, North Dakota. They had lived in the same community for 46 years and on the same farm 23 years. The Strands had four children and Strand has said frequently that the business of rearing her children “by example and precept” was one of her most important duties. The family loved music and spent many of their leisure hours with musical instruments and group singing. Strand was a member of the Christian and Lutheran Churches. She always played an active part in community affairs and helped organize the home extension club and the community club in her community. She served as an officer and an active member in these and similar organizations for many years and was also an officer and an officer and active member of the home and community department of the Farm Bureau.

Strand continued to take her usual active part in the community and in farm women’s organizations for the next five or six years after her recognition as a Master Farm Homemaker. She and her husband were honored in an open house by the children to commemorate their fortieth wedding anniversary in June 1949. About 125 friends and relatives gathered to congratulate them.