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Clara Mae (H. M.) Rogers

Clara Mae (H. M.) Rogers
Clara Mae (H. M.) Rogers

Eminent Homemaker

County: Codington

H. M. Rogers, a Codington County farm woman, feels that to be a successful homemaker one must be kind and thoughtful of others, keep the house clean and attractive and make everyone feel welcome.

Her three children were all raised on the farm except one girl who was killed in a school bus accident at the age of seven.

Rogers came to Codington County from Iowa in February 1910. At first the Rogers family stayed with a neighbor across the road from the place which was to the Rogers’ home.

Crops the first year were good and they bought a few cows, made the barn larger and started selling milk to hotels in 1911.

That was the beginning of the business into a flourishing milk and cream route with an office in Watertown.

Besides keeping up the farm home, Rogers always took part in community affairs. She still belongs to the 20th Century Home Extension club and has served as president a number of times. She also belongs to the Baptist Ladies Aid and has served two terms as its chairman.

She also raised about 1,000 chicks per year, kept a garden and canned the fruits and vegetables. The Rogers home on the farm is modern in all respects.

In recent years the Rogers have spent their winters in either Texas, Florida or California. They have also traveled elsewhere on various vacations. Rogers is still active in extension club work.