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Donna Robbennolt

Donna Robbennolt
Donna Robbennolt

Eminent Homemaker

County: Potter

Throughout her life, Donna Robbennolt has shared her passion for art and art education with the community of Gettysburg by dedicating many volunteer hours to fundraising and organizing events. Her efforts have brought culture, arts, and art education to the rural community. She served as chairperson of the High Plains Arts Council, supporting the South Dakota Arts Council, and has been instrumental in bringing Dinner Theatre, as well as the Missoula Children's Theatre to Gettysburg. Served on the board of directors of the Dakota Sunset Museum, and was instrumental in helping secure a new building. She obtained a traveling exhibit from the Smithsonian Institute, "Produce for Victory", for the museum. Impressed by these creative activities, the Smithsonian used Gettysburg as an example for other communities to follow.

She served as a 4-H leader and president of the Oahe M&Ms Extension Club, County & Family Extension Leaders of Potter County, and an Area Director of County & Family Extension Leaders. She served as chairman of the Board of Directors and on the Steering Committee for 成人视频 University Week for Women.

Robbennolt has also been District 10 President of the American Legion Auxiliary. She also led the brick fund raiser for the Legion Annex, served as head of Education Committee and was named Legionnette of the year twice. An active member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, she has served on the St. Mary's Hospital Foundation. In 1988 she was recognized as the Gettysburg Citizen of the Year, the same year she was also named Potter County Outstanding Homemaker of the Year.

Robbennolt and her late-husband, Gene, have three children; Mark, Michelle Izzillo and Steve.