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Fred Holscher

Fred Holscher
Fred Holscher

Eminent Farmer

County: Faulk

Fred Holscher, Faulkton is well known throughout the state of South Dakota for service and leadership in many organizations. Today Holscher is either president, chairman, vice-chairman, or a director of at least 16 county, state, and regional organizations and groups.

Holscher started farming with his father near Wecota in 1918. In 1932 he took over the operation, raising beef cattle and hogs. Although he retired from active farming in 1952, he still maintains a flock of 100 ewes and a full line of farm equipment. He now devotes more than half of his time to organization work, traveling thousands of miles for these groups each year.

Holscher helped organize and is now president of the North Central Wool Marketing Corporation, a marketing agency headquartered in Minneapolis which serves more than 43,000 wool growers. He has been president: of the South Dakota Wool Growers since 1958, of the Wecota Farmers’ Elevator Board since 1952, of the Faulk County Crop Improvement Association for 16 years and of the Faulk County Extension Board. He is chairman: of the Oahe Conservancy Sub-district Board of Directors, of the Faulk County ASC Committee, the Faulk County Water Resources Committee, the advisory Committee for the ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ’s Central Substation at Highmore, the Faulk County Memorial Hospital Board, and of the Area 4 Cooperative Extension Advisory Board. In addition he has held offices or has been a member of several state and national groups concerning agriculture and water development.

Holscher is an ardent supporter of the Faulk County 4-H program and has been heavily involved in activities of the Immanual Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) of Wecota. He is also a director of the South Dakota Lutheran Benevolent Association.

A man who never had the opportunity to attend high school, Fred Holscher is convinced that the greatest satisfaction in life comes from being a service to God and man. If service is the key, then life for this man must be complete.