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Jacob B. Severson

Mr. Jacob B. Severson
Jacob B. Severson

Eminent Farmer

County: Minnehaha

Jacob B. Severson, prominent stockman of Valley Springs, was born July23, 1870, in Hardanger, Norway. He came to the United States at the age of 17 and settled in Valley Springs.

He was married in 1897 to Annie Johnson of Valley Springs. They had two children.

The Seversons practiced diversified farming on a 640-acre farm which they began to operate in 1901. Major farm operations consisted of raising grain and feeding Shorthorn cattle and Poland China hogs for market.

Severson always took a keen interest in county and state affairs. He was the first farm bureau member in Minnehaha county and was president of that organization for the first five years of its existence. For many years, he was president of the local community club which he helped organize. In 1922 he was instrumental in bringing President Calvin Coolidge to South Dakota to speak at the Minnehaha county fair. In 1925 Severson was elected to the state senate. His service there was characterized by his good judgment and support of all constructive measures.

In addition to these activities, Severson was reporter for the federal government on weather and feed conditions in the vicinity of Valley Springs. He was also chairman of the agricultural committee of the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce.

Severson retired from active farming in 1943, and rented his farms on a share basis. He has continued as a director and vice-president of the Minnehaha County Bank. He has been supervisor of Valley Springs Township since 1909, and treasurer of the Ben Clair Telephone company since 1904.