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Joseph Sutera

Mrs. Joseph Sutera
Joseph Sutera

Eminent Homemaker

County: Bon Homme

Marie Sutera, of Tabor, South Dakota, was born Nov. 14, 1893, only two miles from her present home northwest of Tabor and has spent all of her life in the same community. Her maiden name was Marie Vavruska. She attended country school through the sixth grade, and helped her parents on the home farm until her marriage to Joseph Sutera in 1915.

Two weeks after their marriage they began building their present home and farm buildings.

Sutera has had a long career in home demonstration work. She first became a member of an Extension club in 1935. She held several offices in the club and while she was chairman, the club won a pressure canner for the best booth display in the county.

After this first club, the Busy Bees, disbanded in 1930, Sutera joined the Harmony club of Tabor. Several years later this club was reorganized with the old Busy Bees and became known as the Homemakers club. Sutera was vice president in 1940. She has been an active member of the county Extension council.

Sutera is an exceptionally skilled seamstress and dressmaker. She makes practically all of the clothes the family wears.

In 1944, when her husband was sick, she put in 127 acres of small grain with the help of two daughters. She likes to work with a tractor.

Sutera has been a member of the Bohemian Presbyterian Church all of her life. Years ago she and one of her six sisters planted the American elms around the church.

Sutera is known in her community as an outstanding worker trying always to improve her home, family, church and community.