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Marvin L. Haag

Marvin L. Haag
Marvin L. Haag

Eminent Farmer

County: Potter

Marvin Haag has been a leader in agriculture in his community, county and state for many years. He grew up on a farm and has actively farmed since 1952. He graduated from South Dakota State College in 1948 with a degree in Agricultural Engineering. Haag farmed in Potter County with a cow-calf operation, a farrow-to-finish hog operation and crops including small grains, corn, alfalfa and other forages. Haag is presently retired and is very active and interested in agriculture.

Haag and his father-in-law, William Hinckley, farmed together and started many of the conservation practices used today. He was among the first individuals to practice soil conservation and minimum tillage. He implemented the use of commercial fertilizers, strip farming, erosion control, grassed waterways and shelter belts.

Haag was also one of the first farmers to convert from lard-type hogs to the lean-pork hog. As part of the conversion process, he remodeled his barn into a farrowing unit, which stood as an example to the industry as a way of achieving better production and reduced mortality rates of pigs.

He has held a number of positions and served on a variety of boards. He was a 4-H Leader in the late 1950s and 1960s. He was also a Potter County Conservation Board member for 24 years, serving as district supervisor for 14 years and assistant supervisor for 10 years.

He was the area director for the South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts for two years and the State Association's secretary for three years. He also served on the Governor's Council of Outdoor Recreation and the Environmental Education Association of South Dakota.

He was a member of the Potter County Weed Board and was appointed to the State Weed and Pest Commission where he served for five years. Marvin Haag has been a member of the Potter County Crop Improvement Association for over 30 years and has been director of the Lowry Farmer's Exchange Board for 24 years.

Haag and his wife Nina are the parents of four children. He is active in his church and has taught Sunday school for many years and is still actively involved in church and community activities.