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Mary A. Deurmier

Mary A. Deurmier
Mary A. Deurmier

Eminent Homemaker

County: Charles Mix

Mary Ann Deurmier is a woman who puts others before herself. She is described as a selfless, caring person and many community children and adults have benefited from her leadership and generosity.

Deurmier's dedication to children and the community is reflected in her actions. She has worked tirelessly with 4-Her's, made stuffed animals to comfort children when they ride in the ambulance and made bibs, pillows, stuffed animals and countless treats for the Wagner day care. She also sponsored a national safe kids campaign pamphlet that reached 1,000 students to promote bus, bike and walking safety going to school.

She has been a 4-H leader for eight years. Under her leadership, the club received state and national awards in health and conservation. Deurmier has held all offices in the Charles Mix 4-H Leaders Association. She judges arts and crafts, photography, foods and child development 4-H exhibits in Charles Mix, Douglas and Bon Homme Counties.

She is a long-time member of the South Dakota Family and Community Education Association, has held local, county and district offices, and was elected delegate to attend State Extension meetings for eight years. From 1990 to 1993 she served as co-chairperson for the State Extension meetings.

Deurmier has been nominated for the Wagner Citizen of the Year Award four times, was first runner-up twice for Charles Mix County Honored Lady, and was recognized by the Charles Mix County 4-H Leaders Association as an Outstanding Leader. She is also known for her oil painting talents and has been asked to display her paintings at craft fairs and shows.

As an active church member, Deurmier currently serves as vice-chairman on the United Methodist Church Board of Trustees.

She has been a girl scout leader for four years, served as secretary-treasurer of the Wagner boy scout troop for three years and has been a member of the Charles Mix County Election Board for 22 years. She has been active in the Charles Mix County Family and Community Education Association and has won four first place awards in the last nine years for its emphasized projects.

Her community service activities are just part of her life. Deurmier and her husband, Gary, are the parents of three children: Kimberly and Duane, both of Wagner and Darryl of Lake Andes. Mary Ann is a full-time partner with her husband on their farm and they are presently helping their son Duane get his start in his own farming and hog operation.