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Otto Laue

Otto Laue
Otto Laue

Eminent Homemaker

County: Meade

Otto Laue lives with her husband and son Herman no the family ranch near Custer. Although hampered with a tricky heart, and now with a broken ankle, she is still a spry housewife who keeps active.

Laue has worked her entire life to help her family and friends. She says it was early training in life that gave her this desire.

Laue taught in the Alkali School, Custer County after graduation from high school, and then attended Black Hills Teachers College. Recently, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Custer presented a silver plaque to Laue for 25 years of service as a Sunday school teacher. She has served as long with the Lutheran Guild. She was also active in getting the Bear Mountain 4-H club organized, was for years a member and leader in her local Extension Club, was a polio drive volunteer and has served on the Custer County Red Cross committee.

Herman is the only one of three Laue sons still at home. Richard is a head electrician at Lockheed Aircraft in San Jose, California and Ernest is with the United States Army in Germany.