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Robert Foster

Robert Foster

Eminent Farmer

County: Brookings

Robert Foster has farmed near Brookings since 1953. He is an excellent farmer and a leading conservationist. Since the 1950s,Foster has installed more than a mile of terraces, two acres of grassed waterways, 50 acres of contour farming, a farm pond and implemented other conservation practices. His farm is recognized as an example for other farmers, students and conservationists. He has hosted many classes, tours and visitors, including U.S. House Majority Leader Tip O'Neill. In 1972 he was honored as the Outstanding Conservationist for South Dakota.

He has also been a very active leader and community servant, dedicating a combined total 85 years as supervisor of the Aurora Township Board, chairman of the Brookings County Planning Board, and chairman of the Brookings Farmers Cooperative Board. He also served as Farm Bureau county president and treasurer of the District Conservation Board. He was recognized as a Master Pork Producer in 1977. He is active in the First Presbyterian Church, is a long-time 4-H volunteer and a member of Golden Kiwanis. Robert and his family are avid supporters of South Dakota State University theater and athletics.

Robert and his late wife, Geneva, who was selected as an Eminent Homemaker in 2003, have four children.