Assessment Plans
Campus plans are for gathering evidence of student learning might include institution-wide or program specific approaches that convey how student learning will be assessed, the data collection tools and approaches that will be used and the timeline for implementation. Transparent assessment plans are:
- Descriptive of institutional assessment processes, procedures and activities.
- Inclusive of assessment measures including what they are, how they are applied and frequency of gathering evidence.
- Clearly expressed and understandable by multiple audiences.
- Prominently posted at or linked to multiple places across the website.
- Updated regularly to reflect current activities.
- Downloaded or accessed in a timely fashion by multiple web browsers and internet download speeds.
- Receptive to feedback or comments on the quality and utility of the information provided.
Guiding Questions (Mundhenk, 2011)
- What do we promise incoming students who attend 成人视频?
- What do we say our graduates will be able to do or to be?
- What do we expect students in a course to carry with themselves to other courses and to life after college?
- What essential skills, knowledge, and values must they carry forward?
- How do we help students understand what's most important?
- How do our assignments, activities, assessment practices, grading strategies, syllabi, and other forms of interaction communicate what's important?
- How do we assure that these important things are developed within courses, experiences, and majors?
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. (2011). . Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).