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Curriculum Map Resource

Curriculum Mapping

Curriculum mapping is a method to align instruction with desired goals and program outcomes. It can also be used to explore what is taught and how.

Why use?

  • Documents what is taught and when.
  • Reveals gaps in curriculum.
  • Helps design an assessment plan.
  • Improves communication among faculty.
  • Improves program coherence.
  • Increases likelihood students achieve program-level outcomes.
  • Encourages reflective practice.

Typical matrix examples:

Undergraduate Program (I=Introduce; R=Reinforce; M=Master; *=Assessment data collected)
Student Learning OutcomesCourse 101Course 201Course 215Course 301Course 350Course 401
SLO #1IRM*   
SLO #2 IRM*  
SLO #3I  RM* 
SLO #4 I  RM*
SLO #5I  R M*
Graduate Program (*=Assessment data collected)
Student Learning OutcomesCourse RequirementResearchComprehensive ExamDissertation
Program ContentX*XX 
Communication SkillsXX*X 
Transferable SkillsX XX*
SLO #4X X*X*
SLO #5 X X*
Co-Curricular Unit(*=Assessment data collected)
Student Learning OutcomesExperience #1Experience #2Experience #3Experience #4Experience #5
SLO #1XX*   
SLO #2 X*  X
SLO #3  X*  
SLO #4  XX* 
SLO #5    X*

Adapted from .