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SGR No. 5 Goal - Mathematics Rubric

Goal 5: Students will understand and apply fundamental mathematical processes and reasoning.

OutcomesLevel 0 - Below ProficientLevel 1 - Proficient
Outcome 1:  Students will use mathematical symbols and mathematical structure to model and solve real world problems.Unable to carry out a multi-step process beyond a basic initial step or attempt at some mathematics, or no valid work.Follows a given sequence of steps that constitutes a valid line of reasoning.  Answer may be incorrect, with minor errors, but valid line of reasoning is still demonstrated.
Outcome 2:  Students will demonstrate appropriate communication skills related to mathematical terms and concepts.Shows some work when solving a problem, answer may be correct or incorrect, but important intermediate steps are missing, or no valid workFollows a given sequence of steps that constitutes a valid line of reasoning.  Answer may be incorrect, with minor errors, but valid line of reasoning is still demonstrated.