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SGR No. 6 - Natural Sciences Rubric

Goal 6:  Students will understand the fundamental principles of the natural sciences and apply scientific methods of inquiry to investigate the natural world.

OutcomesLevel 1 - Below Proficient (F or D)Level 2 - Proficient (C or B)Level 3 - Exemplary (A)
Explain the nature of science including how scientific explanations are formulated, tested and modified or validated.Student demonstrates limited familiarity with nature of science and limited knowledge about steps involved in a scientific process.Student demonstrates familiarity with the nature of science and demonstrates knowledge about steps involved in a scientific process.Student demonstrates comprehensive knowledge about the nature of science and the steps involved in a scientific process.
Distinguish between scientific and non-scientific evidence and explanations and use scientific evidence to construct arguments related to contemporary issues.Student demonstrates limited ability to distinguish scientific statements from non-scientific statements and cannot use scientific evidence to evaluate arguments related to contemporary issues in science.Student demonstrates ability to distinguish scientific statements from non-scientific statements and uses scientific  explanation to evaluate arguments related to contemporary issues in science.Student applies evidence-based approach to evaluate arguments related to contemporary issues in science.
Apply basic observational, quantitative or technological methods to gather and analyze data and draw evidence-based conclusions in a laboratory setting.Student demonstrates limited ability to follow observational, quantitative or technological methods for designing and conducting experiments, including gathering and analyzing data to test a hypothesis in a laboratory or field setting.Student demonstrates ability to follow observational, quantitative or technological methods for designing and conducting experiments, including gathering and analyzing data to test a hypothesis in a laboratory or field setting.Student demonstrates advanced ability to follow observational, quantitative or technological methods, including generating hypotheses, designing and conducting scientific experiments, as well as collecting and analyzing data to draw a conclusion.
Understand and apply foundational knowledge and discipline-specific concepts to address issues, solve problems or predict natural phenomena.Student lacks understanding of foundational knowledge and major concepts covered in the scientific discipline and shows little or no ability to apply scientific knowledge and concepts to address issues, solve problems or predict natural phenomena.Student demonstrates understanding of foundational knowledge and major concepts covered in the scientific discipline and shows some ability to apply scientific knowledge and concepts in problem solving, decision making or describing natural phenomena.Student demonstrates thorough understanding of foundational knowledge and major concepts covered in the scientific discipline and skillfully applies them in problem solving or predicting natural phenomena.