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Use of Student Learning Evidence

Use of Student Learning Evidence

This component represents the extent to which evidence of student learning is used to identify areas where changes in policies and practices may lead to improvement, inform institutional decision-making, problem identification, planning, goal setting, faculty development, course revision, program review and accountability or accreditation self-study. Transparent uses of student learning evidence are:

  • Targeted to a particular audience such as faculty, staff, administrators, students, families or governing board members.
  • Inclusive of examples of documented use of assessment results and information.
  • Focused on improvement of student performance and institutional processes through the use of evidence.
  • Inclusive of next steps.
  • Clearly stated in language that is understandable for specific and multiple audiences.
  • Prominently posted or linked to in multiple places across the website.
  • Updated regularly to reflect current activities.
  • Receptive to feedback on selected courses of action by having a person's contact information or a form to send feedback.

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. (2011). Transparency Framework. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA).