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MMC Project/Portfolio Presentation

When students finish their project, they schedule a presentation before their committee, including a professional representative, whose role is as a “referee” and “quality control.”

The presentation is especially important in an online program, as it requires students to demonstrate their understanding of their online coursework and validate their participation in those classes. Some online students live close enough to Brookings for a face-to-face presentation but for most, this takes place via video conference. During the presentation, students show their project or professional portfolio and include how their coursework was implemented into that work. Students will also answer questions about their coursework and project or portfolio. After the presentation, students submit the final version of their project (when applicable) and complete an exit survey.

The documents used during the presentation include a plan of study, project narrative (Option B) or portfolio (Option C), and a project evaluation form to be completed by all members of the committee. The committee expects your project or portfolio at least 10 business days before the presentation, so work with your advisor to set up a schedule when drafts are due so you can get feedback. The student is responsible for working with their advisor and committee to determine a day and time for the presentation that is convenient for all involved. Presentations typically are conducted via video conference, however, students are welcome to come to campus if they so choose.

Students must be actively enrolled the term they present and their advisor may decide to postpone the presentation if they feel the student and/or work is not prepared.

The typical presentation process is as follows:

  • Student introduction (three to five minutes)
  • Project or portfolio presentation (no more than 10 minutes)
  • Questions from the committee (15-25 minutes)

Once the presentation is over, the committee will give the student feedback. It is very common for the committee to ask for changes to your project or narrative, however as long as those changes are either clerical or for clarification it should not affect the process.