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Adherence Tools

Monthly Pill Planning


There are a variety of tools to help you take the right medication at the right time in the right way.

For additional information, click on each box.

What is adherence packaging?

  • All of your medications are sorted into a morning/noon/afternoon/bedtime organizer.
  • This is packaged at the pharmacy.
  • This is simply filling all medications on the same day each month.
  • Medications still come in individual bottles.
  • The pharmacy is often able to set this up.
  • It helps reduce the number of trips you have to make to the pharmacy.
  • This can decrease how often you forget to fill a medication.
  • You are more likely to take your medication correctly.
  • You are more likely to take your medications at the right time each day.
  • You are more likely to fill your medications on time.
  • You are more likely to pick up all of your medications from the pharmacy at the same time.
  • You see your pills gone from a box each day which can help you stay on track with your medications.
  • You see if you did or did not take your medications.
  • You are less likely to take too much or too little of a medication.