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Lisa Lindell

Lisa Lindell


Catalog Librarian/Professor

Office Building

Hilton M. Briggs Library



Mailing Address

Briggs Library 116
Briggs Library-Box 2115
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


  • B.A. in English, German and mathematics | Augustana University
  • M.A. in library and information studies | University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.A. in English | South Dakota State University

Committees and Professional Memberships

  • South Dakota Library Association
  • Association of College and Research Libraries
  • American Library Association
  • ALA's Library History Round Table 

Awards and Honors

  • April 2021, James L. Sellers Memorial Award, best journal article in Nebraska History for the previous year. “The Nebraska Cyclone: Lillie Williams and the Embrace of Sport and Spectacle.”
  • April 2019, Herbert S. Schell Award, best journal article in South Dakota History for the previous year. “In Their Own Words: Women of Brown County, South Dakota, in World War I.”
  • May 2014, Mildred Throne and Charles Aldrich Academic History Award, Honorable Mention, Annals of Iowa. "The Education of Linnie Haguewood.”

Areas of Research

  • Women's history
  • Library history
  • Print culture


  1. Lindell, Lisa R. (2023). "The harvest is so great and the laborers are so few": The public ministry of two evangelical women preachers in nineteenth-century Minnesota. Women's History Today, 3(6), 14-23.
  2. Lindell, Lisa R. (2022). "I have felt a great zeal for this work": The educational and evangelical mission of Luella Belle Pettigrew. South Dakota History, 52(1), 29-66.
  3. Lindell, Lisa R. (2021). Fitting women to their work: The vocational vision of Helen M. Bennett. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, 114(3-4), 55–84.
  4. Lindell, Lisa R. (2020). "So well begun and so much needed": Building up libraries for residents of Iowa's state institutions. Annals of Iowa, 79(2), 121-151.
  5. Lindell, Lisa R. (2019). The Nebraska cyclone: Lillie Williams and the embrace of sport and spectacle. Nebraska History, 100(4), 194-209.
  6. Lindell, Lisa R. (2018). Cuckoo Collins: The crooked path of a nineteenth-century professional sprinter. Journal of Sport History, 45(3), 334-351.
  7. Lindell, Lisa R. (2018). In their own words: Women of Brown County, South Dakota, in World War I. South Dakota History, 48(1), 1-31.
  8. Lindell, Lisa R. (2018). “The spirit of the builder”: The library career of Julia Carson Stockett. Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, 2(1), 48-71.
  9. Lindell, Lisa R. (2016). "We are laying foundations": South Dakota's first ordained women Congregational ministers. Great Plains Quarterly, 36(1), 31-52.
  10. Lindell, Lisa R. (2015). "All calls promptly attended to, day or night": Women doctors in southern Dakota Territory. South Dakota History, 45(1), 27-67.
  11. Lindell, Lisa R. (2014).  A woman of her time: Dr Frances Woods and the intersection of war, expansionism and equal rights. Women's History Magazine, 75, 11-19.
  12. Lindell, Lisa R. (2013). The education of Linnie Haguewood. Annals of Iowa, 72(2), 91-121.
  13. Lindell, Lisa R. (2012). "Awake to the needs of our day": Early women lawyers in South Dakota. South Dakota History, 42(3), 197-236.
  14. Lindell, Lisa R. (2009). "So long as I can read": Farm women's reading experiences in depression-era South Dakota. Agricultural History, 83(4), 503-527.
  15. Lindell, Lisa (2009). Finding Sissa (and much more). Swedish American Genealogist, 29(2), 14-17.
  16. Lindell, Lisa R. (2008). "Sowing the seeds of liberal thought": Unitarian women ministers in nineteenth-century South Dakota. South Dakota History, 38(2), 148-180.
  17. Lindell, Lisa R. (2005). A "splendid service": The South Dakota Free Library Commission in the 1930s. South Dakota History, 35(3), 249-271.
  18. Lindell, Lisa. (2004). Bringing books to a "book-hungry land": Print culture on the Dakota prairie. Book History, 7, 215-238.
  19. Lindell, Lisa. (2004). "No greater menace": Verne Sankey and the kidnapping of Charles Boettcher II. Colorado History, 10, 37-56.
  20. Lindell, Lisa R. (2003). The "quickening power" of education: Women students at South Dakota State University, 1885-1920. South Dakota History, 33(1), 18-45.
  21. Lindell, Lisa. (2003). "A few good books": South Dakota's country school libraries. Libraries & Culture, 38(1), 24-49.
  22. Lindell, Lisa R. (2001). Camp Cody library: Books for World War I soldiers. New Mexico Historical Review, 76(3), 285-308.
  23. Lindell, Lisa R. (2000). Collegiate life from both sides of the desk: South Dakota State University in the 1880s. South Dakota History, 30(2), 167-199.
  24. Lindell, Lisa. (2000, Spring). Lot 1, Block 4: Searching for the grave of Anthony Morse. Canadian-American Journal of History & Genealogy for Canadian, French & Metis Study, 5, 6-10.
  25. Lindell, Lisa R. (1997). Conquering a wilderness: Destruction and development on the Great Plains in Mari Sandoz's Old Jules. Heritage of the Great Plains, 30(2), 43-53.
  26. Lindell, Lisa. (1997). Searching for Sissa. Swedish American Genealogist, 17(1), 23-28.
  27. Lindell, Lisa R. (1996). Recasting epic tradition: The dispossessed as hero in Sandoz's Crazy Horse and Cheyenne Autumn. Great Plains Quarterly, 16(1), 43-53.
