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Profiles and Directories

What is a profile?

A profile contains basic contact information (phone, email, office) and biographical information about the employee, filled out at their discretion. Profiles can have links to personal and professional websites, research projects, details of grants and so much more. There is also space for a professional photo to be uploaded.

Everyone who has an @sdstate.edu email address has a public profile they can edit.

Where does profile data come from?

Contact Info:

Profiles pull contact data from the Banner database managed by Human Resources. The following fields are automatically brought in:

  • Email
  • Name
  • Title*
  • Department
  • Office Phone Number
  • Office Mailing Address
  • Office Room
  • Office Building

Login to InsideState to edit these fields. They should be pulled over the next day in an overnight refresh after approval from Human Resources.

*Note: The title field can be overwritten in Drupal. If your Banner Title is not displaying the same as it is on InsideState, please contact web support.

Biographical Info:

This information is self-entered by the employee.

How to edit your profile


Employee photos for the website need to be professionally done. A portrait studio is available on campus.

Where does a profile show?

Profiles show in our site search, in the directory filter, in external searches such as Google, and on Our People pages organized at the discretion of offices and departments.

Why should I update my profile?

Profiles are a valuable source of information for collaboration with peers at other institutions, for reaching you for a question about your work, for students to learn more about you and for public outreach. It is also a place to share your professional accomplishments and to connect with the broader campus climate.

How does a profile get added or removed from the sdstate.edu directory?

Profile information is pulled into sdstate.edu twice daily from Banner. If an employee leaves the university, once their information is updated in Banner their profile will automatically unpublish.