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Brig. Gen. Jake Krull

Brig. Gen. Jacob J. Krull was born in Watertown on Dec. 23, 1938. Krull received his commission as a second lieutenant, Artillery branch on June 6, 1960. He was ordered to active duty on Feb. 27, 1961 and assigned to Battery C, 7th Guided Missile Training Battalion, Air Defense Training Command, Fort Bliss, Texas. He served as a platoon leader until Aug. 1, 1962 when he was assigned as Battery Commander, Battery C, 1st Guided Missile Training Battalion. He was promoted to First Lieutenant on Aug. 27, 1962. In Nov. 1962, he was assigned as Liaison Officer to the United States Air Force Air Defense Command, Key West, Florida, to monitor foreign air traffic during the Cuban Missile Crisis. 

He was discharged from active duty on Feb. 26, 1963. On July 23, 1963, BG Krull was appointed in the South Dakota Army National Guard. He was assigned as executive officer to Battery B 2nd Battalion 147th Field Artillery until Aug. 15, 1965 when he assumed command of the unit. He was promoted to captain on Nov. 18, 1965. He was transferred to Headquarters and Headquarters 2nd battalion 147th Field Artillery on Dec. 15, 1970 and assigned as liaison officer. In August 1972, BG Krull was assigned as the Assistant S-3 for the 2nd Battalion. He was transferred to Battery a 2nd Battalion 147th Field Artillery on Apr. 19, 1974 and assigned as commanding officer. 

Krull returned to Headquarters 2nd Battalion 147th Field Artillery in June of 1974. He was promoted to Major on June 11, 1974. His principal duty was S-3 Officer, which he held until Feb. 1, 1977. During this period he laid the groundwork for improving readiness throughout the Battalion and formulated the operations and training policies which attributed to the 2nd Battalion winning the Milton A. Record Trophy for Outstanding Battalion, Region VIII, Sixth U.S. Army for training years 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982.

In February 1977, Brigadier General Krull was reassigned to the executive officer position in the Second Battalion. He was transferred as executive officer to the 1st Battalion 147th Field Artillery and served in that capacity until Aug. 31, 1978. He was the transferred to Headquarters 147th Field Artillery Brigade on Sept. 1, 1978 and assigned as S-3 Officer. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel on Nov. 17, 1978. He was reassigned on Oct. 15, 1982 to executive officer for the Brigade. On Jan. 1, 1984, he assumed command of the Brigade and was promoted to Colonel. Krull was appointed assistant adjutant general for the South Dakota Army National Guard effective Sept. 1, 1986, and was promoted to brigadier general on Oct. 8, 1986.

Decorations and Awards:

  • Meritorious Service Medal
  • Army Commendation Medal with One Oak Leaf Cluster
  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Armed Forces Reserve Medal with Hour Glass
  • Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal with Three Oak Leaf Clusters
  • Army Service Ribbon
  • Army Reserves Components Overseas Training Ribbon
  • South Dakota Unit Citation
  • South Dakota Five Year Perfect Attendance Ribbon with "XV" device
  • Civic Affiliations, National Association of Life Underwriters
  • Lions Club International
  • Elks Club
  • National Guard Association of the United States
  • Served in the South Dakota State Legislature from 1973-1983
  • Served as Minority Leader of the South Dakota State Senate from 1979-1983