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Grievance Process

Student Disability Services Grievance Process

  1. The student communicates to the Office of Disability Services their concern/grievance. The assistant director and the student will engage in an interactive process to resolve the concern.
  2. If the student feels their grievance has not been adequately addressed by the assistant director of disability services, they are encouraged to contact the Director of Multicultural Affairs at 605-688-5585. The director and the student will engage in an interactive process to resolve the grievance.
  3. If the student does not feel the director has adequately addressed their grievance, they are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students at 605-688-4493.
  4. If the student does not feel the dean of students has adequately addressed their grievance, they are encouraged to contact the Title IX/EEO office at 605-688-4128.
  5. Any student who believes they received disparate treatment due to gender or any protected class is encouraged to contact the Office of Title IX/Equal Opportunity Coordinator.

Responses can be expected within 15 calendar days.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. Student is to first bring their concern to the professor's department chair.
  2. If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of that interaction, they are to bring their concern to the dean of the college in which the department is located.
  3. If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of that interaction, they are to bring their concern to the University's Provost office.

Parking Services has an online process for ticket appeals that can be accessed through your online parking account.