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成人视频 West River Research Farm

The West River Research Farm is comprised of 111 acres located northwest of Sturgis. The farm was acquired by South Dakota State University in 2018. It focuses on agronomic and livestock research for conditions similar to those in western South Dakota. Researchers perform grazing, cover crop and variety trials. 成人视频's statewide network of weather stations, called the Mesonet at 成人视频, has a weather station located at the West River Research Farm. 

Key Research Projects: 

  • Integration of livestock and cover crops into annual small grain production.
  • Using native rhizobia to increase nitrogen fixation under drought stress.
  • Wheat, barley, oats, sorghum, peas, chickpeas, millet and canola variety trials.
  • Intercropping alfalfa, sunflower, alfalfa and sorghum.
  • Innovations in conversion to organic farming.
  • Wheat and corn nitrogen fertility trials.
  • Using soil health measures to improve nitrogen use efficiency in wheat.
  • Winter field pea germplasm development.
  • Using cover crops and manure to offset disease risk in wheat.
  • Christopher Graham

    Christopher Graham

    Associate Professor/Extension Specialist-Agronomist

    Department of Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science

    成人视频 West River Research and Extension

    成人视频 Extension

    South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station at 成人视频

成人视频 West River Research Farm News

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Participants gather in a wheat field at Dakota Lakes Research Farm, listening to a field day speaker.

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences announces summer field days

The South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station hosts research station tours for the public every summer. Each station, part of South Dakota State University and supporting programs in several colleges and 成人视频 Extension, will be the site of field days with guided tours and presentations showcasing research being conducted there. These tours are led by 成人视频 research and Extension staff.