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Jacques Seed Corn sack


Seed sacks are a source of appealing graphic designs. Many have colorful, descriptive and some time humorous designs. To help pay for his college education, William Jacques started growing and selling improved strains of open pollinated corn. In 1920 he developed a line of inbred corn and by 1924 had moved from Neillsville, Wisconsin to Prescott, Wisconsin where he built one of the first successful seed corn companies. In 1931, he produced the first hybrid seed corn grown in the upper Midwest. 

As his business grew, William realized he needed a trademark for his company. His trademark is a picture of his youngest daughter, Patsy, sitting on a pile of Jacques Proven Hybrid ear corn. Patsy appeared on thousands of bags of corn seed. Jacques Seed introduced its alfalfa seed in the 1960s followed by grain and forage sorghums seeds. Soybeans were introduced in 1972 and sunflowers in 1975. Starting in 1975, Jacques Seed was sold several times.