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Postum tin

Postum tin

Postum beverage was part of a late 19th Century clean living movement, promoted by John Harvey Kellogg and his student C.W. Post. This movement promoted anti-smoking, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, proper breathing, plenty of exercise and vegetarianism. C. W. Post and his invention of Postum was part of this movement.

"Health First—Happiness Follows, POSTUM instead of coffee, 'There's a Reason.'" This was the slogan that sold C. W. Post’s non-caffeinated cereal beverage. Post believed that caffeine was unhealthy and set about finding a healthy alternative to coffee. In 1895, Post invented Postum, a roasted wheat bran, wheat and molasses beverage, giving birth to the Post Cereal Company. Postum was a brewed beverage until 1912 when Instant Postum was introduced. The drink was marketed as a healthy drink for the entire family. Flamboyant advertising by the company promoted drinking Postum to avoid “heart disease, rheumatism, blindness, cowardliness and diminished mental capacity.â€

During World War II, Postum became a popular alternative to coffee, which was rationed. In 1929, Postum Cereal Company became General Foods. Eventually the company was absorbed by Kraft and in 2007, Kraft retired the Postum brand beverage. Eliza’s Food Quest, in 2013 managed to acquire the brand and the secret recipe for Postum, returning it to most grocery shelves.