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About the Department

Mission Statements

Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

To protect and improve the health of animals, the viability of the South Dakota livestock industry, and the welfare of society through high quality diagnostic, research, Extension and teaching activities.

Diagnostic Laboratory

To provide high quality veterinary diagnostic services as a means to promptly and accurately establish causes of animal health problems. Such diagnoses will aid attending veterinarians and health officials in the treatment, control, prevention and surveillance of animal diseases to the benefit of the South Dakota livestock industry, other animal owners and society at large.


To pursue basic and applied investigations that enhance the understanding of the induction of diseases in animals, to develop diagnostic methods for the detection of diseased animals, products for treatment or prevention of disease and management protocols for the control of disease.

Veterinary Extension

To transfer information and provide educational opportunities to veterinarians, producers, county agents and other interested individuals regarding animal health.

Teaching and Advising

Provide high-quality animal health and biomedical science courses for the training of undergraduate pre-veterinary and animal science students and graduate veterinary infectious disease students. Effectively advise students in the pre-veterinary curriculum.