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Funding Sources - Logue Lab

Major Funding Sources

  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Department of Defense (DOD) / Department of the Army (DOA)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Current Funding (ca. $3.83 M)

  • “Collaborative Research: NRT: Cyber-Physical-Social System for Understanding and Thwarting the Illicit Economy,” NSF, PI on Collaborative Grant, $540,085 (9/1/2018-8/31/2023).
  • Analysis of dimethyl trisulfide for a pharmacokinetic study,” Southwest Research Institute, PI, $9,754. Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the budget (September 2017-August 2018)
  • “Development of Antidotes for Toxic Gases (co-PI),” NIH, subaward PI, $754,534 (subaward budget split into two projects). Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the sub-award budget (September 2016-August 2021).
  • “Cyanalyzer: A Medical Laboratory Device for the Rapid Diagnosis of Cyanide Exposure,” NIH SBIR, Co-PI, $734,592. Dr. Logue will execute 100% of this budget (September 2016-2018).
  • “Correlation of Sulfur Mustard Exposure with Sulfur Mustard Metabolites: Development of Analysis Methods and Evaluation of Dose Response Behavior,” (BARDA), PI, $157,985. Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the budget (July 2016-June 2017).
  • “REU Site: Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology,” NSF, PI on Collaborative Grant, $91,939 of $536,840 total project. Dr. Logue oversees 17% of the total SPACT REU budget (March 2016-2019).
  • “Surface Engineering Research Center (SERC),” proposal for the SD BOR FY17 Research and Development Grant, Ƶ Campus Coordinator, $900,000 total. Dr. Logue oversees 33% ($300,000) of the budget and will directly execute approximately 20% of the proposed budget (July 2016-2018).

Past Funding (Executed ca. $5.37 M at Ƶ as PI or Co=PI; to 2015)

  • “Cyanalyzer: A Medical Laboratory Device for the Rapid Diagnosis of Cyanide Exposure Associated with Konzo and Tropical Ataxic Neuropathy,” Sanford Health/SDBOR, PI, $61,490. Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the budget (August 2016-August 2018).
  • “Analysis of cyanide, its metabolites, and next-generation cyanide antidotes,” DoD/NIH, PI, $350,000. Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the budget (September 2016-2018).
  • “Analysis of dimethyl trisulfide for a pharmacokinetic study,” Southwest Research Institute, PI, $9,754. Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the budget (September 2017-August 2018).
  • “Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology (SPACT) Center: A Unique Opportunity for South Dakota,” proposal for the SD BOR, Ƶ Campus Coordinator, $900,000. Dr. Logue oversees 33% ($300,000) of the budget and will directly execute approximately 25% of the proposed budget (January 2014-2016).
  • “The analysis of cyanide and emerging cyanide therapeutics (in combination and alone),” proposal for DoD/NIH, PI, $370,000 + $85,000 in in-kind funding (March 2016). Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the budget (September 2014-2016).
  • “REU Site: Security Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology,” NSF, Ƶ Campus Coordinator, $74,128 of $453,323 total project. Dr. Logue oversees 16% of the total SPACT REU budget (March 2013-2016).
  • “Gas Phase Processing for Low Cost Dye Solar Cells,” NSF, Co-PI (with Mahdi Baroughi (PI) and Matt Biesecker), $452,779 (October 2011-2014).
  • “Rapid Field-Usable Cyanide Sensor Development for Blood and Saliva,” proposal for DoD/NIH, PI, $400,000. Dr. Logue will execute 100% of the budget (September 2012-2014).
  • "Enhancements of Raman Detection Minerals and Biomarkers Using Advanced Plasmonic Nanomaterials," NASA EPSCoR, Co-PI/campus coordinator, $172,501 of $1,125,000 (2010-2013).
  • "The analysis of 3-mercaptopyruvate for a sulfanegen pharmacokinetic study in rabbits," University of Minnesota Center for Drug Design Contract, PI, $12,840 (September 2013-April 2014).
  • "NSF-EPSCOR South Dakota, Photoactive Nanoscale Systems (PANS) Research," NSF EPSCOR, Key Contributor and Grand Opportunity Leader, approximately $250,000 of $20,000,000 (2009-2014).
  • "LCMSMS Analysis of 3-Mercaptopyruvate," contract with the University of Minnesota associated with DoD/NIH U01 funding, PI, $9,564 (October 2012-January 2013).
  • "Cyanide Diagnostics: Development of a second generation fluorometric sensor for rapid analysis of cyanide exposure and verification of the inability of 2-amino-2-thiazoline-4-carboxylic acid (ATCA) to act as a diagnostic marker," proposal for DoD/NIH, PI, $254,290 (September 2011-2012).
  • "MRI: Acquisition of an Ultra High Performance Liquid-Chromatography Tandem Mass-Spectrometer for a Multi-user Core Mass-Spectrometry Facility," NSF, PI, $789,467 (2009-2012).
  • "Analysis of CBRN filter devices," DOD/3M, PI, $324,254 (2010-2011). Original funding was $250,076. Two funding supplements (contract modifications) were granted after successful development of novel methods for filter analysis.
  • "Cyanide Diagnostics: Assessment of 2-amino-2-thiazoline-4-carboxylic acid (ATCA) as a diagnostic marker and development of a fluorometric sensor for rapid analysis of cyanide exposure," NIH/DOD(ORISE), PI, $235,938 (2010-2011).
  • "Evaluation of cyanide and its metabolites for rapid diagnosis of cyanide exposure," NIH/DOD, PI, $447,298 (2008-2010).
  • "Retrospective Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agent Metabolites in Hair," DoD Medical Chemical Program, PI, $376,141 (2007-2010).
  • "NSF-EPSCOR South Dakota, Photoactive Nanoscale Systems (PANS) Research," NSF EPSCOR, Key Contributor and Grand Opportunity Leader, approximately $200,000 of $6,750,000 (2006-2009).
  • "Evaluation of cyanide and its metabolites for rapid diagnosis of cyanide exposure," NIH/DOD, PI, $158,117 (2007-2008).
  • "Acquisition of a femtosecond fluorescence upconversion system," NSF, Co-PI, $242,285 (2007-2008).
  • "Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of cyanide and its metabolites for rapid diagnosis of cyanide exposure" modification to "Analysis of the cyanide metabolite 2-aminothiazoline-4-carboxylic acid (ATCA) in fish tissue and biological matrices," US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, PI, $169,791 (2006-2007).
  • "Proposal for graduate research assistant on CAAN project: Molecular beacon based electrochemical nanosensor for analysis of target DNA," Center for Accelerated Application at the Nanoscale, PI, $9,800 (2007).
  • "Acquisition of Major Research Instrumentation for Fabrication and Characterization of Micro and Nanostructures for Sensing," NSF MRI, Co-PI, $252,000 (2005-2006).
  • "Analysis of the cyanide metabolite 2-aminothiazoline-4-carboxylic acid (ATCA) in fish tissue and biological matrices," US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, PI, $63,581 (2005-2006).
  • "Proposal for continued funding on CAAN project: Molecular beacon based electrochemical nanosensor for analysis of target DNA," Center for Accelerated Application at the Nanoscale, PI, $29,615 (2006-2007).
  • "Analysis of sulfur mustard metabolites in hair for verification of chemical warfare agent exposure," Ƶ Research Support Fund, $7,000 with $2,500 match from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and a $5,000 in kind match from the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, PI, Total: $14,500 (2005-2006).
  • "Research Work Plan: Molecular beacon based electrochemical nanosensor for analysis of target DNA," Center for Accelerated Application at the Nanoscale, PI, $5,040 (2005).
  • "Dr. Brian Logue: Objectives and Allocation of Time to the Center for Accelerated Applications at the Nanoscale," Center for Accelerated Application at the Nanoscale, PI, $5,151 (2005).
  • "Evaluation of the cyanide metabolite, 2-aminothiazoline-4-carboxylic acid, ATCA, in biological matrices for determination of past exposure to cyanide." US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, PI, $48,000 (2004-2005).
  • "DEPSCoR travel funding for travel to the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense." $2,024 from EPSCoR (2005).