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Spring 2020 Dean's List

The following students have been named to the dean's list for academic excellence after the fall 2019 semester at South Dakota State University. To earn dean's list distinctions in ³ÉÈËÊÓƵ's colleges, students must have completed a minimum of 12 credits and must have earned at least a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Students with an asterisk received a perfect 4.0 GPA.

The list contains more than 2,700 students from 32 states and 29 foreign nations. More than 1,000 students recorded a 4.0.

Students with F, I, U, RI or RU grades are not eligible regardless of system term GPA attained. Note that this report includes courses that were taken at other South Dakota institutions this term. A minimum of 12 credits within the 100-699 course range must be taken. A student who passes pre-general education courses may still qualify, if the student has 12 other credits that do fall within the 100-699 range.

Displaying 2726 - 2750 of 3419
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List of students on the Dean's List
Nieemah Larae Greene Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Lottie Alexandra Grimshaw Sioux Falls S.D. SNURS
Andrew LeRoy Grismer Sioux Falls S.D. SENGR
Rylee Alan Groeneweg Sioux Falls S.D. SENGR
Madison Claire Grove * Sioux Falls S.D. SEHS
Sydney Marie Haga * Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Makenna Jo Haggerty * Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Fuad Said Hagi Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Mikhayla Theresa Haider * Sioux Falls S.D. SEHS
Cylie Michelle Halvorson * Sioux Falls S.D. SEHS
Mitchell James Hamilton Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Morgann Mai Hamilton Sioux Falls S.D. SNS
Heide Michelle Hammer * Sioux Falls S.D. SNURS
Quincy Janae Hanzen Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Brooke Ann Harmer Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Emily Elizabeth Harms * Sioux Falls S.D. SENGR
Isaac Carter Harris Sioux Falls S.D. SPAHP
Kady Ann Harris * Sioux Falls S.D. SEHS
Matthew Jay Harris Sioux Falls S.D. SENGR
Kaydra Nicole Hart-Bedell Sioux Falls S.D. SNURS
Austin Daniel Haushild Sioux Falls S.D. SEHS
Christian David Heilman * Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Zach Nathaniel Heins Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Cadence Helleson * Sioux Falls S.D. SAHSS
Abbigale Ann Hellevang * Sioux Falls S.D. SNURS
Displaying 2726 - 2750 of 3419