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University Policies and Procedures

Welcome to the University Policy and Procedure Manual

This is the definitive source for the most current South Dakota State University policies. Policies duplicated on other websites or in print may not be the most current version. All policies documented on this site are official and supersede policies located elsewhere. South Dakota State University is governed by state and federal law, administrative regulations and policies of the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) and the State of South Dakota.


5:1   Contract, Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding Review and Approval

5:2   Membership and Licensure

5:3   Clothing Provided to Employees

5:4   Household Moving Allowance

5:5   Journal Vouchers

5:6   Procurement Cards

5:7   Fraud Policy

5:8   Service or Recharge Center Rates

5:9   Fixed Assets

5:10  Infrastructure Reporting

5:11  University Cash Receipts

5:12  University Collections

5:13  Cell Phone Stipends and State-Owned Cell Phones

5:14  Event Ticket Sales and Accessible Seating

5:15  Employee Travel

5:16  Consulting Contracts

5:17  Institutional Representation Funds

5:18  Reporting Works of Art and Historical Treasures

5:19  MyJacks Cards

5:20  Credit Card Payments

5:21  Property Management

5:22  Research Subject and Incentive Payments

5:23  Awards and Prizes

5:24  Goods or Services Sold to the General Public

5:25  Allowable Expenses for Student Programs

5:26  Established Cash Funds

5:27  Fixed Price Award Residual Balances

5:28  Administrative Withdrawal for Accounts Receivable Balances

5:29  Cost Share

5:30  Participant Support Costs on Sponsored Projects

5:31  Program Income from Sponsored Projects

5:32  Charging Direct Costs on Sponsored Projects

5:33  Cost Transfers on Sponsored Projects

5:34  Minimum Effort on Sponsored Projects

5:35  Purchasing Policy

5:36  Department Responsibilities with University Funds

5:37  Gift Acceptance

5:38  Affiliated Entities

5:39  Award and Budget Revision to Sponsored Projects

5:40  Expenditure Monitoring of Sponsored Projects

Additional Resources:


         Academic Misconduct Resolution Form



2:11  Travel Warning Policy Waiver Request Form






        Request to Use Graduate Credit to Fulfill Undergraduate Degree Requirement

2:23  Addendum to Publication Agreement



2:28  Reading Placement Exemption Form





4:9    SDBOR Conflicts of Interest Short Form (contact HR)

4:11  Elective Political Office Report Form







5:13  Request for Cell Phone Stipend or Cellular Device














New and Recently Revised Policies

12/06/2024  Revised Policy - Financial Aid (3:4)
(Policy was revised to reorganize content and to align with the current practices of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.)

12/06/2024  Revised Policy - Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards (3:5)
(Policy was revised to reorganize content and to align with the current practices of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.)

12/04/2024  Revised Policy - University Cash Receipts (5:11)
(Policy was revised as part of an annual review to align with the current practices of the Cashier's Office.)

12/04/2024  Revised Policy - Established Cash Funds (5:26)
(Policy was revised as part of an annual review to align with the current practices of the Cashier's Office.)

Draft Policies

Pertinent draft policies will be posted here to allow for feedback from the campus community. You are encouraged to review and send comments or questions regarding any of the draft policies to the University Policy Manual Editor.

New Policy:Naloxone Accessibility and Administration
*New policy created to support the university's commitment to maintaining a safe, substance free campus, and to help prevent opioid overdoses.

Revised Policy: Policy and Procedure Approval (1:2)
*Policy was revised to remove reference to hardcopy edition of the policy manual as this is no longer maintained.

Revised Policy: Campus-Wide Posting (6:9)
*Policy was revised primarily to add provisions and align 成人视频 practices with SDBOR Communications and Branding Policy (1.7.6). This policy change implements closed/limited public forum rules and changes where digital board (i.e., televisions and digital reader boards) content approval is managed. Review and approval would be managed centrally, instead of locally, by the University Student Union, consistent with the printed poster review and approval process and pursuant to all the governing standards; University Marketing & Communications would continue to provide templates for the use of brand standards on digital boards with content created locally; and central management of digital boards would provide a mechanism for 成人视频 to deploy enhanced emergency messaging through digital boards across the university. This also aligns practices with the new software that manages the use of digital boards. 

Revised Policy: Sponsored Programs Risk Management Fund (8:8)
*Policy was revised to add a reference to the newly established university central risk management fund.

New Policy: Risk Management Loss Coverage Program
New policy establishing a university central risk management fund to support losses that are not covered by SD Risk Management procured insurance, PEPL fund coverage, or the sponsored programs risk management fund as set forth in University Policy 8:8. Individual departments would no longer purchase loss insurance for personal property (i.e., insurance for ATVs, farm equipment, vehicles, etc.) as this would be covered centrally through the risk management fund.

Revised Policy: Dangerous Weapons and Firearms (10:4)
*Policy was revised to formally designate the V.P. for Technology and Security to make authorizations under the policy and to add a provision regarding hunting access.