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Cohort 2: Lucas

Lucas, PreK

Year 2, Cohort 2, Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest 2019-2020

Demographic Information

Ethnicity: Alaska Native (Inupiat)

DOB: August, 2015

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Nome, AK

Family Members: Mother, Grandmother, Brother, Sister

Years Parent Lived in Alaska: 80

Parent’s feeling about place lived: 10

(1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)

Source: Family Survey, Fall 2019 (completed by Lucas's Mother)

Family Outdoor Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Motorbike or 4-wheel

Family Subsistence Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Go hunting
  • Pick berries
  • Fish from the shore

  • Pick seaweed
  • Harvest tea or medicinal plants

Child’s Outdoor Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Make-believe/free play (outdoors summer)
  • Pick berries
  • Go fishing
  • Hide and seek
  • Swim or water play
  • Collect/ find things : glass rocks
  • Build snowman, snow forts, snowballs
  • Free play outside (Winter)
  • Sled
  • Bike, scooter, or skate
  • Play ball
  • Build forts
  • Pick flowers
  • Play with dog
  • Jump on trampoline

Favorite Family Recreational Activity(Written response): "Family rides"

Favorite Family Subsistence Activity(Written response): "Moose hunting Lucas doesn't be left home unless he wants to "

Child’s Favorite Summer Activity (Written response): "Swimming"

Child’s Favorite Winter Activity(Written response): "Riding snowmobile"

Description of outdoor experience when child was afraid/scared (Written response): "Unknown dogs"

Description of outdoor experience when child was excited/happy (Written response): "paying out going for rides"

Source: Family Survey, Fall 2019 (completed by Lucas's Mother)

Child's Drawings

Child's Drawing: boat, water, rock, whale

Favorite “Summer”

Fall 2019

Title: Fishing at the Beach

Child quotes:

“I got a fishing rod”

Did you catch a fish? Shakes head no. “I got to go get it. I got to ask my mom I can aboard(?), I can go get fish”

“at the beach”

“With my brother and my sister”

What do you see at the beach? “Rocks and fish”

“We saw a seashell and fish”

What color are the seashells? “white”

“There’s whale”

“I didn’t catch a fish yet”

Do you go to the beach with your mom and dad? “Yeah. We went swimming”

Family Feedback:

Lucas draws “when he feels like drawing.” “If someone is watching him draw these you are VERY LUCKY, he tells us to go away.” He draws “everyday” “here at home on a piece of paper.” “He doesn’t like anyone to watch him draw and he is a very bright kid.”

Spring 2020

In Progress

Child's Drawing: water, getting fish, rock, sand
Fall 2019

Spring 2020:& In Progress

Child's drawing: Me, "stairs, "way up", drawers mama drawer
Fall 2019

Spring 2020: In Progress

Class Nature Tour Video Highlights
Fall 2019


This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children