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Cohort 2: Patrick

Patrick, PreK

Year 2, Cohort 2, Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest 2019-2020

Demographic Information

Source: Family Survey, Fall 2019 (completed by Patrick's Mother)

Ethnicity: Alaska Native (Inupiat)

DOB: March, 2015

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Anchorage, AK

Family Members: Mother, Father, Grandfather, Aunt, Uncle, Sister (infant), Cousins

Years Parent Lived in Alaska: 29

Parent’s feeling about place lived: 11

(1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)

Family Outdoor Activities:

(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Tend animals or livestock
  • Go to playground (in city/town/village)
  • Hike in natural setting
  • Motorboat or jet ski (for recreation)
  • Motorbike or 4-wheel (for recreation)


Child’s Outdoor Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Hunting
  • Bike, scooter, or skate
  • Make-believe/ free play (outdoors summer)
  • Go fishing
  • Jump on trampoline
  • Collect/find things :rocks
  • Build snowman, snow fort, snowballs
  • Free play outside (winter)
  • Sled

Family Subsistence Activities:
(Ranked frequently and almost always)

  • Go hunting
  • Fish from the shore
  • Fish from a boat


Favorite Family Recreation Activity(Written response): "Hunting various animals"

Favorite Family Subsistence Activity(Written response): "Hunting moose/geese/rabbits/ptarmigans/ spruce chickens/ fishing"

Child’s Favorite Summer Activity (Written response): "Swimming/ hunting/ fishing"

Child’s Favorite Winter Activity(Written response): "Sledding/ fishing"

Description of outdoor experience when child was afraid/scared (Written response):

"Coming home in the dark! :( "

Description of outdoor experience when child was excited/happy (Written response): "Catching fish and wanting to club it right away"

Child's Drawings

Child's drawing: me flipping, bed rock

Favorite “Summer”

Fall 2019

Title: Jumping on the Trampoline

Child quotes:

What do you do with your family outside? “Trampoline!”

This is you jumping on the trampoline? “high!”

“Jump really high!”

“big boat”

You have a boat? Have you ever been on a boat? “yeah. Can drive a boat!”

Family Feedback:

Patrick likes jumps on the trampoline “whenever he can. Never in the winter time.” There is “never more than 3 at a time” on the trampoline. He jumps with his “mama, daddy” and friends. The trampoline is “outside in the backyard.” He jumps “almost everyday in the summer time.” “He likes to flip and play tag and shoot a basketball.”

Favorite “Winter” Nature Activity

Spring 2020

In Progress

Child's drawing: waterfall, rainbow, hunting
Fall 2019

Spring 2020: In Progress

Fall 2019 and Spring 2020: In Progress

Class Nature Tour Video Highlights
Fall 2019
 In Progress

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation.Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children