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Naming: Conditions, Process and Duration

Conditions for Naming

  1. Both naming of programmatic units and naming of existing or new facilities with costs of construction greater than $250,000 must receive approval from the Board of Regents. For projects less than $250,000, the naming process will be a campus decision and follow the process outlined in this policy. 
  2. According to Federal Requirements including State or Congressional Law, center names are often designated in Congressional authorizations, by federal agencies or by state programs (ex. 2010 Research Initiative). In these cases, the designated names will be used. Central administration will be informed of the name as well as the source of the authorization language where the name is designated (ex. 2008 Farm Bill section 7526).
  3. Philanthropy: A donor shall be recognized when they have provided substantial funding for a facility or other entity as defined below.
    1. New Construction (which may include maintenance endowments): Gift amounts shall provide a substantial portion of the projects' total cost.
    2. Existing Spaces: The gift amounts shall provide a substantial amount of funding for maintenance, repairs and enhancement of a facility or space.
    3. Considerations shall be made regarding visibility and use of the space, current market, donor interest and campus and peer institution comparables.
    4. Colleges, schools, departments and programs: The amount of the gift shall provide significant program improvements that transform the unit, elevate the quality and status and make the unit more competitive. 
  4. Non-donor Naming for Honor or Distinction
    1. Consideration may be given to naming a facility for non-monetary reasons as an honor to someone who upholds the university's ideals and reputation through distinguished service to the university in an academic, administrative or by other exceptional ways which have significantly contributed to the welfare of the university.
    2. Likewise, a name may be given for distinguished service beyond the university through civic leadership or humanitarian activities.
    3. Serving Regents, elected officials and institution employees are not eligible for a naming opportunity except in unusual cases. 

Naming Process 

  1. Naming Committee shall oversee this policy and will review all naming or related requests in accordance with the policy.
    1. The Naming Committee shall include the provost, vice president for finance and business, assistant vice president for facilities and services, Foundation president/CEO and Foundation vice president of development and other vice presidents, deans or directors when applicable.
    2. Prior to solicitation, all proposed naming opportunities and all proposed names must be approved by the Naming Committee.
    3. Upon review and approval by the Naming Committee, a recommendation is sent to the president for consideration. 
  2. President Approval
    1. The president shall review the recommendation of the Naming Committee.
    2. The president holds final approval for construction projects costing less than $250,000. For projects greater than $250,000 and other programmatic/position naming, the President shall forward his/her recommendation to the Board of Regents for official naming approval. 
  3. Board of Regents Approval
    1. All new or existing facilities and additions with construction costing more than $250,000 shall be approved by the Board of Regents.
    2. Programmatic units such as colleges, schools, institutes, centers or departments shall also be approved by the Board of Regents. 
  4. Foundation
    1. Upon approval by all parties, the Foundation shall complete donor communication and documentation. 

Duration of Names 

  1. Term Naming
    1. A name may be approved for a period of years, as specified in the Naming Request Form.
    2. The length of time will be based on the amount of funds donated and the space or program type that is sponsored. 
  2. Life of Project Naming
    1. An approved name of a facility or program shall remain for the duration of the life of that facility or program.
    2.  In the event of demolition or renovation to a facility, whether intentionally, through accident or act of nature, the university reserves the right to continue recognition in alternate ways. Commemorative signage shall denote the previous name and years of recognition.
    3. In the event that a named academic program, college, department, institute or center is discontinued, the university reserves the right to continue recognition in alternate ways. 
  3. Perpetual Naming
    1. An approved name supported by an endowment shall be considered perpetual.
    2. In the event that a named facility or space changes function, the appropriate authority (university or Board of Regents) shall review the related gift agreement(s) to ensure any naming or function change is consistent with previously established stipulations.
    3. A second name may be added to a building when significant funding is needed to renovate an existing facility in order to meet the programmatic needs of the unit. Any proposal to add a second name in recognition of a gift shall go through the normal naming process. The review shall include any gift documents pertaining to the original gift and related naming, as well as the gift documents pertaining to the subsequent gift and proposed renaming.
    4. In the event of an unforeseen circumstance, the university has the right to discontinue use of a name in order to protect the ideals and reputation of the university. This will be done judiciously, with great care and deliberation and shall involve the president, legal counsel and the Board of Regents.