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CPSS Coordinator's Report - Spring 2019

Center for Power Systems Studies - Spring Meeting
April 25, 2019

To:       Members of Center for Power Systems Studies
            Associate Members of Power Systems Studies
            All those in attendance at meeting

We are now at the close the Center for Power Systems Studies’ 51st year of operation. The following is a summary of the last several months of activity within the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science that is related to the CPSS along with plans for the summer and coming years.

Power-Course Update

Spring 2019

  • EE222/L (3+1 cr) Energy Conversion, 25 students (Hietpas)
  • EE302L (one cr) six sections, Basic EE II Lab, 90 students (Hietpas)
  • EE315 (three cr) Linear Controls, 21 students (Hietpas)
  • EE436/L EE536/L (3+1 cr) Photovoltaic Systems Engineering and Lab, 15 students (Tonkoski)
  • EE492 (three cr) Advanced Power Systems Analysis*, 12 students (Hansen)
  • EE792 (three cr) Computational Intelligence, six students (Ni)
  • EE790 (one cr) Seminar - Power and Energy, three students (Tonkoski)

     * This course is also being offered to students from SD School of Mines

Summer 2019

  • EE438 (one cr) Power Technology Tour, 20+ students (Hietpas, Sternhagen, Hansen)

Fall 2019

  • EE101L (one cr) five to six Sections, Intro to EE (Hietpas)
  • EE316 (three cr) Signals and Systems I (Hietpas)
  • EE420/L (3+1 cr) Electronics III (Hietpas)
  • EE434/L (3+1 cr) Power Systems/Lab* (Ni)
  • EE731/L (4+1 cr) Advanced Power Electronics and Lab, (Tonkoski)
  • EE790 (one cr) Seminar - Power and Energy (Tonkoski)

      * This course is also being offered to students from SD School of Mines

Spring 2020 (tentative)

  • EE222/L (3+1 cr) Energy Conversion (Hietpas)
  • EE302L (one cr) six sections, Basic EE II Lab (Hietpas)
  • EE315 (three cr) Linear Controls (Hietpas)
  • EE492 (three cr) Advanced Power Systems Analysis (Hansen)
  • EE792/L (3+1 cr) Computational Intelligence (Ni)
  • EE751 (three cr) Linear Systems Theory (Ni)
  • EE436/L EE536/L (3+1 cr) Photovoltaic Systems Engineering and Lab (Ujjwol Tamrakar+)
  • EE790 (one cr) Seminar - Power and Energy (Hansen)

       + Spring 2019 - Tonkoski is expected to be on sabbatical

Power Faculty Activities Spring Semester

See Appendix for research group summaries.


  • Currently Supervising
    • One M.S. EE graduate student
      • Focus Area: Design of a Linear Quadratic Regulator Controller to Improve Transient Frequency Stability Utilizing Energy Storage Systems.
    • Three UG EE students
      • Senior Design Project: Raven Motor Performance Selection.
    • Serving as technical advisor to numerous other senior design projects in the areas of controls, electronics, and motor/drives.
    • Serving on Graduate Student Committees
    • One Ph.D. EE, Shuva Paul, “Smart Grid Security Based on Machine Learning and Game Theory”
    • Board Member of the SDEC
    • Chair EE Scholarship Committee
    • Chair Bennett Undergraduate Research Fellowship Committee
    • Serve on EE UG Curriculum Committee
    • Attended NSF/NAE Workshop on growing K-12 student interest in Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota, April 18-19, 2019.


  • Currently Supervising
    •  One Ph.D. student
      • Coordination of Virtual Inertia in Microgrids.
    • Two M.S. EE graduate students
      • Focus Areas:
        • Energy Forecasting.
        • Modeling and Control for an Agricultural Sprayer Boom System (Partnership with Raven Industries).
    • Two UG EE student
      • Focus Area:
        • Virtual Inertia in Microgrids.
  • 2019 Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering Researcher of the Year
  • Associate Editor IEEE Access (October 2018- current)
  • Editor IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (October 2018- current)
  • Publications and presentations
    • Four published journal article (IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid)
    • Three published conference papers
    • Three accepted conference manuscripts
    • Seven invited talks (including one plenary panel at an international conference)
    • Panel Speaker:  IEEE PES GM 2019, Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling, "Models and tools for stability studies", TBD, Atlanta, MA.
    • Panel Speaker:  IEEE Powertech 2019, Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis, and Modeling, "Models and tools for stability studies", TBD, Milan, Italy.
    • Panel Speaker:  IEEE EIT 2019, Market, Policy, and Operation Considerations to Enable a Sustainable and Resilient Grid, "Frequency Control in 100% Renewable Grid", TBD, Brookings, SD.
    • IEEE Siouxland Section Speaker Event, "Solar Energy Trends and Applications," Sioux Valley Energy, March 13, 2019, Brandon, SD.
    • Panel Speaker: IEEE ISGT 2019 Panel: Energy Management in a 100% Renewable Grid, Presentation Title: Virtual Inertia for Stability in 100% Renewable Grid, February 19, 2019, Washington DC.
    • South Dakota Rural Electric Member Services Association Meeting Fall 2018, “Trends in Energy Systems”, October 24, 2018, Brookings.
    • 2018 Grid of The Future Workshop, "Voltage Control Strategies for Distribution Systems with High Penetration of Photovoltaics", August 22, 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Tonkoski, R. (Co-PI), Hansen, T. M. (PI), “Battery Energy Storage System-based Virtual Inertia for a Resilient Power Grid,” Sponsored by Ƶ Office of Academic Affairs and Office of Research and Economic Development: Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Challenge Fund, $32,105, (Aug. 19, 2019 to Aug. 18, 2020).
  • Tonkoski, R., "Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Voltage Regulation Study," Sponsored by Lea+Elliott, Inc., Private, ~$38,000.00/year. (Aug. 14, 2017 - TBD).
  • Peer Reviewer for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Reliability Energy Storage Program (2018).
  • Dean's Faculty Advisory Committee Member (Fall 2018-present).
  • EECS Department Head Search Chair.
  • Ƶ Faculty Senator (Fall 2018-present).
  • Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability Committee
  • Serving the EE UG Curriculum Committee
  • Serving the IEEE Student Branch
    • Region 4 Student Leadership Conference will be organized in Brookings on October 2019 (Sponsors needed!)
  • Serving the IEEE Siouxland Section as Vice-Chair.


  • Currently supervising
    • Two M.S. EE graduate students, 4 PhD students
      • Focus Areas
        • Demand response algorithms and markets.
        • Advanced management of power electronic converters for distributed energy resources.
        • Coordinated home energy management systems.
    • Two M.S. and 1 Ph.D. student will be graduating
      • Two students hired at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
      • One student currently interning at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
    • One undergraduate student
      • Honors project for active and reactive droop control for voltage regulation using PV inverters (presenting at two honors poster sessions).
  • Publications and presentations
    • Six published journal articles
    • Six published conference papers
    • Two invited talks, including one laboratory-wide at Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Best paper award: “Parallel Implementation of AC Optimal Power Flow and Time-Constrained Optimal Power Flow using High-Performance Computing,” in IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference, January 2019
    • Part of the NSF REU on HPC
  • Grants
    • PI: Battery Energy Storage System-based Virtual Inertia for a Resilient Power Grid, Co-PI: Tonkoski. $32,105
  • Program Committee
    • Program Co-Chair, 19th Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (eit2019)
    • Power System Operations, Planning, and Economics,” four paper sessions, IEEE North American Power Symposium 2018 (NAPS18).
    • 50th Anniversary of South Dakota Regional Power Conference (CPSS) 2018.
  • IEEE PES Power Engineering Education Committee (PEEC) Awards Subcommittee Co-chair
  • IEEE Region 4 Executive Committee, Chair
  • IEEE HKN Faculty Advisor
  • Referee
    • IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
    • IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
    • IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
    • IET Renewable Power Generation
    • IEEE PES General Meeting
    • Fulbright Romania Senior Award Program


  • Current Supervising:
    • Two Ph.D. students and three M.S. EE graduate students
      • Focus areas:
        • Power grid security and cyber-physical system.
        • Adaptive control for Synchronous Machine.
        • Energy storage system in microgrid and smart home.
        • Machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  • New grant from National Science Foundation: “A Reflective Learning and Association Control Framework based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming: Architecture and Applications in Robotics," award amount: $261,503. October, 2018 - September, 2020. (PI)
  • New grant from NASA: “Developing Small Satellite Formation Flying Capability by Distributed State Estimation and Intelligent Control of Swarm using Vision-based Guidance,” NASA EPSCoR Research Initiation Grant, award amount: $52,000 with 1:1 match, April, 2019 - September, 2020. (Co-PI and Institutional PI)
  • New grant from U.S. DOC, “University Center for South Dakota Commercialization and Workforce Development in Environmentally-Sustainable Energy and Precision Agriculture Technologies,” ward amount: $725,000 with 1:1 match. October 2018 - September 2023. (Co-PI)
  • New grant from Raven Industries, “Experimental Raven testbed for sprayer nozzles," award amount: $94,790, January, 2019 - December, 2019. (Co-PI)
  • New grant from Ƶ, “Proof-of-Concept: Harnessing the Big Data from Smart Grid for Anomaly Detection and Classification”, award amount: 28,197, July 2019 – June 2020. (PI)
  • International Neural Network Society (INNS) Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award, to be ceremonially presented at 2019 IJCNN conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Associate Editor on IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
  • Associate Editor on IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
  • Program Chair, The 2019 IEEE International Electro/Information Technology (EIT) Conference, Brookings, SD, May 2019
  • Program Chair, The 11th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom-2018), Halifax, Canada, 2018
  • Served on the EE graduate faculty committee
  • Chair: Task Force of Intelligent Systems for Cybersecurity of IoT, IEEE CIS ISATC
  • Vice Chair, Task Force of ADP and RL in Power and Energy Internets, IEEE, CIS-ADPRL TC
  • Vice Chair, IEEE CIS Data Mining and Big Data Analytics Technical Committee                                                                         

Scholarship Activity – 2019-2020

  1. Total EECS/COE/Ƶ Awarded to EE Students: $189,850
    1. COE: $19,700
    2. EECS: $80,100
      1. Power Related: $46,650 (58.2% of EECS Scholarship Awards)
  2. Notable Scholarship Recipients
    1. CPSS Scholarship
      1. Tyler Jorgenson*, Rising Senior, Expected Graduation 2020
    2. CPSS General Scholarship
      1. Matthew Stoel*, Rising Junior, Expected Graduation 2021
      2. Ryan Johnson, Rising Junior
      3. Kyle Weier, Rising Junior
      4. Jesse Kreutzfeldt, Rising Junior
      5. Ryan Fick, Rising Sophomore, Expected Graduation 2022
      6. Joshua Quamen, Rising Sophomore
    3. Wayne E. Knabach Memorial
      1. Roberto Penaloza Valencia

* Recipients of the IEEE PES Scholarship  

Power Students

Maintaining and perhaps growing in the earlier (first and second year students).

Small junior class of power students this year.

All graduating seniors with emphasis in power have jobs.

20+ sophomore and junior students are interested in attending the summer Power Technology Tour.

See the separate survey of EE students administered this spring in early April.

Summer Activity


  • New Student Orientation.
  • Prepare for 2018 Fall Meeting.
  • Serve on the CPSS 2020 SoDaRP Conference planning committee.
  • Advise one graduate student in power towards completion of MSEE degree.
  • Dissertation Defense for Shula Paul, “Smart Grid Security Based on Machine Learning and Game Theory”, May 23.
  • Attend IEEE EIT 2019 Brookings.
  • Coordinate EE 438 Power Technology Tour (Aug. 19-23, 2019).
  • Coordinate EE 494 Internship Experience.
  • Coordinate Dennis Helder retirement party – June 14, evening, on Ƶ Campus, AME Building.


  • Graduate one M.S. EE Students.
  • Identify industry partners/collaborators for research proposals.
  • Write proposals to obtain funding from external agencies.
  • Attend PowerTech 2019, Milan, Italy.
  • Attend IEEE PES GM 2019, Boston.
  • Attend IEEE EIT 2019 Brookings.
  • Summer 2019 appointment at Sandia National Laboratories and Sabbatical on Spring 2020.
  • Dean's Faculty Advisory Committee Member (Fall 2018-Present).
  • Chair the EECS Department Head Search.
  • Serve as Reviewer for the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative.
  • Serve the IEEE Student Branch supporting the organization Region 4 Student Leadership Conference in Brookings on October 2019.
  • Serve the IEEE Siouxland Section as Vice-Chair.


  • Graduate two M.S. EE Students, one Ph.D. EE Student.
  • Write proposals to obtain funding from national agencies.
  • Attend PowerTech 2019, Milan, Italy.
  • Attend IEEE PES GM 2019, Boston.
  • Attend IEEE EIT 2019 Brookings.
  • Travel as visiting faculty to PNNL.


  • Graduate one Ph.D. student and two M.S. EE Students.
  • Write proposals to obtain funding from national agencies.
  • Attend IEEE PESGM 2019, Atlanta.
  • Attend IEEE IJCNN 2019, Hungary.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven M. Hietpas, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor , Coordinator, Center for Power Systems Studies

Appendix – Research Power Group

Power Systems Research Group Summaries:

Microgrids: Dr. Tonkoski is working on developing energy management systems for microgrids including novel power dispatching algorithms, load and solar forecasting techniques, voltage control methods for grid integration of renewables and large loads, frequency stability through inertia emulation and a microgrid testbed. This summer the Microgrid lab will receive an upgrade in the power hardware-in-the-loop infrastructure through the acquisition of a new real time digital simulator. The system will be available to the group in June 2018.

Smart Grid Markets and Energy Management Systems: Dr. Hansen joined the program in Fall 2015. He is working on creating new control algorithms for residential and commercial building energy management systems, focusing on their market integration and economic benefits.

Smart Grid Security and Adaptive Control Systems: Dr. Ni is working on smart grid security (e.g., cyber-attack and cascading failure), smart home energy optimization and, new intelligent control approaches for modern cyber-physical systems.