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CPSS Coordinator's Report - Spring 2020

Center for Power Systems Studies - Spring Meeting
April 16, 2020

To:       Members of Center for Power Systems Studies
            Associate Members of Power Systems Studies
            All those in attendance at meeting

We are now at the close the Center for Power Systems Studies’ 52nd year of operation. The following is a summary of the last several months of activity within the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science that is related to the CPSS along with plans for the summer and coming years.

Power-Course Update

Spring 2020

  • EE216/L (3+1 cr) Linear Circuits, 30 students (Hietpas)
  • EE222/L (3+1 cr) Energy Conversion, 25 students (Hietpas)
  • EE315 (three cr) Linear Controls, 23 students (Hietpas)
    • Supervising Honors Project
  • EE491 (one cr) Independent Study – Carbon Neutral Power Systems, seven students (Hansen)
    • Course offered to ensure power students have enough power system elective credits.
  • EE492 (three cr) Advanced Power Systems Analysis*, 10 students (Adjunct: Dan Coomes, East River Electric Coop)
  • EE790 (one cr) Seminar - Power and Energy, one student (Tonkoski)
    • Dr. Tonkoski is on sabbatical at Sandia National Laboratories for Spring 2020, this course was limited enrollment and offered remotely for students needing to graduate.

* This course is also being offered to students from South Dakota School of Mines.

Summer 2020

  • No summer courses offered.

Fall 2020

  • EE218/L (3+1 cr) Linear Circuits II (Hietpas)
  • EE316 (3 cr) Signals and Systems I (Hietpas)
  • EE420/L (3+1 cr) Electronics III (Hietpas)
  • EE434/L (3+1 cr) Power Systems/Lab* (TBD)
  • EE731/L (4+1 cr) Advanced Power Electronics and Lab, (Tonkoski)
  • EE790 (one cr) Seminar - Power and Energy (Tonkoski)

            * This course is also being offered to students from SD School of Mines

Spring 2021 (tentative)

  • EE216/L (3+1 cr) Linear Circuits, 30 students (Hietpas)
  • EE222/L (3+1 cr) Energy Conversion, 25 students (Hietpas)
  • EE315 (three cr) Linear Controls, 23 students (Hietpas)
  • EE436/L EE536/L (3+1 cr) Photovoltaic Systems Engineering and Lab (Tonkoski)
  • EE790 (one cr) Seminar - Power and Energy (Tonkoski)

Power Faculty Activities Spring Semester

See Appendix for research group summaries.

  1. Hietpas
    • Currently Supervising
      • Two Senior Design Groups, six UG EE students
        • Senior Design Project 1: Phase Detection (CPSS)
        • Senior Design Project 2: Raven Smart Fuse
      • Serving as technical advisor to numerous other senior design projects in the areas of controls, electronics and motor/drives, drones.
    • Board Member of the SDEC
    • Chair EE Scholarship Committee
    • Chair Bennett Undergraduate Research Fellowship Committee
    • Serve on EE UG Curriculum Committee
  2. Tonkoski
    • Graduate Students:
      • One Ph.D. student and two M.S. EE graduate students being supervised.
      • One M.S. and 1 Ph.D. students graduated.
          • MS student hired at OATI Minneapolis.
          • Ph.D. student expected to be hired as a post-doc at Sandia National Laboratories (process delayed due to COVID-19).
    • Associate Editor IEEE Access (October 2018- current).
    • Editor IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (October 2018- current)
    • Grants:
      • Ƶ PI: “Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales,” from United States Department of Energy Office of Science, PI: Reinaldo Tonkoski, Grant No. DE-SC0020281, Sept. 15, 2019 to Sept. 14, 2021, Award: $592,899, Ƶ sub-contract of a $3,000,000 award with University of Alaska Fairbanks (lead) and University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez.
      • Co-PI: Battery Energy Storage System-based Virtual Inertia for a Resilient Power Grid, PI: Hansen. $32,105 Sponsored by Ƶ Office of Academic Affairs and Office of Research and Economic Development: Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Challenge Fund, $32,105, (Aug. 19, 2019 to Aug. 18, 2020).
      • Tonkoski, R. (PI), "DCL:MRI: Acquisition of a Microgrid Cyber-Physical Testbed for Advanced Energy Management Systems, (Supplement)" Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $24,973. (Sept. 15, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020).
        • Supported Travel to Sandia National Laboratories for Dr. Tonkoski and one Ph.D. student.
      • Tonkoski, R., "Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) Voltage Regulation Study," Sponsored by Lea+Elliott, Inc., Private, ~$38,000.00/year. (April, 2020 - TBD).
    • Currently on sabbatical at Sandia National Laboratories for Spring 2020 (Returned to Ƶ on March 23 due to COVID-19).
  • Hansen
    • Currently supervising:
      • Three M.S. EE graduate students, one Ph.D. student
        • Focus Areas:
          • Demand response algorithms and markets.
          • Advanced management of power electronic converters for distributed energy resources.
          • Coordinated home energy management systems.
        • Two M.S. and one Ph.D. students graduated
          • Two M.S. students hired at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
          • Ph.D. student hired as a post-doc at Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), transitioning to full-time research engineer at NREL.
      • One senior design group related to power systems (four students)
        • Burns and McDonnell substation design.
    • Publications and presentations:
      • Three published journal articles
      • Three published conference papers
      • Three invited talks
    • Awards:
      • National society award: 2019 IEEE-HKN C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award, received “for exceptional engagement of undergraduate students in electrical and computer engineering through pedagogical innovations, classroom technologies and curriculum development.”
      • University award: Inaugural 2020 Graduate of the Last Decade, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee.
    • Grants:
      • Co-PI: “Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales,” from United States Department of Energy Office of Science, PI: Reinaldo Tonkoski, Grant No. DE-SC0020281, Sep. 15, 2019 to Sep. 14, 2021, Award: $592,899, Ƶ sub-contract of a $3,000,000 award with University of Alaska Fairbanks (lead) and University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez.
      • PI: Battery Energy Storage System-based Virtual Inertia for a Resilient Power Grid, Co-PI: Tonkoski. $32,105 Sponsored by Ƶ Office of Academic Affairs and Office of Research and Economic Development: Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Challenge Fund, $32,105, (Aug. 19, 2019 to Aug. 18, 2020).
    • Committee:
      • Co-Organizer of Panel Session,“Definition, Planning, and Operations of Resilient Electric Grids,” 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT 2020), Washington, D.C., Feb. 2020.
      • IEEE PES Power Engineering Education Committee (PEEC) Awards Subcommittee Chair.
      • IEEE Region 4 Executive Committee, Chair.
      • IEEE HKN Gamma Rho Chapter (Ƶ) Faculty Advisor.

Scholarship Activity – 2020-2021

  • Total COE Scholarships all students: $444,000
  • Total EE Student Awards: $91,600
    • COE: $11,750
    • EECS: $79,850
      • Power Related: $40,700 (44.4% of EE Student Scholarship Awards)
  • Notable Scholarship Recipients
    • CPSS Scholarship
      • TBD
    • CPSS General Scholarship
      • TBD
    • Wayne E. Knabach Memorial
      • TBD
  1. IEEE PES (2019-2020) Report
School# of Recipients
University of Missouri – Kansas City 8
Arizona State University 6
University of Pittsburgh 6
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5
North Carolina State University 4
South Dakota State University 4
University of Idaho 4
University of Washington 4
City College of New York 3
Stevens Institute of Technology 3
Washington State University 3
Bradley University 2
Georgia Institute of Technology 2
Gonzaga University 2
Iowa State University 2
Kansas State University 2
Kettering University 2
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2
Michigan Technological University 2
Mississippi State University 2
Pennsylvania State University 2
Rowan University 2
University of Houston 2
University of Kentucky 2
University of Tennessee Chattanooga 2
University of Wisconsin Madison 2
University of Wisconsin Platteville 2
Valparaiso University 2
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2

Power Students

  • Stats for this year and coming summer









% Power




Summer Internship




  • 18 Graduating Seniors
    • Six in power (33%)
    • Five have job lined up
      • Burns and McDonnell, Kansas City
      • Burns and McDonnell, Centenial, Colorado
      • ECI, Billings, Montana 
      • Interstates, Sioux Falls
      • Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota

Summer Activity

  1. Hietpas
    • New Student Orientation.
    • Prepare for 2020 Fall Meeting.
    • Serve on the CPSS 2020 SoDaRP Conference planning committee.
    • Coordinate EE 494 Internship Experience.
  2. Tonkoski
    • Complete research tasks associated with DOE, NSF, and Ƶ research grants.
    • Develop collaborations with Sandia National Laboratories.
    • Write proposals to obtain funding from national agencies.
    • (Remotely) Attend SPEEDAM 2020, Serrano, Italy.
    • Attend IEEE PES GM 2020, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (tentative).
    • Given the current COVID-19 status, travel is restricted and had to cancel multiple speaking events scheduled. 
  3. Hansen
    • Graduate one M.S. EE Students, one Ph.D. EE Student.
    • Complete research tasks associated with DOE, NSF, and Ƶ research grants.
    • Write proposals to obtain funding from national agencies.
    • (Remotely) Attend SPEEDAM 2020, Serrano, Italy.
    • Attend IEEE PES GM 2020, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven M. Hietpas, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor, Coordinator, Center for Power Systems Studies