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CPSS Coordinator's Report - Spring 2021

Center for Power Systems Studies
Spring Meeting
April 15, 2021

To:       Members of Center for Power Systems Studies
            Associate Members of Center for Power Systems Studies
            All those in attendance at meeting

We are now at the close the Center for Power Systems Studies’ 53rd year of operation.  The following is a summary of the last several months of activity within the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science that is related to the CPSS along with plans for the summer and coming years.

Power-Course Update

  • Spring 2021
    • EE216/L (3+1 cr) Linear Circuits, 30 students (Hietpas)
    • EE222/L (3+1 cr) Energy Conversion, 12 students (Hietpas)
    • EE315 (three cr) Linear Controls, 21 students (Hietpas)
    • EE691 (three cr) Independent Study – Equitable Solar Deployment for Rural Electric Cooperatives, one students (Hansen)
    • EE492 (three cr) Advanced Power Systems Analysis*, 10 students (Suryanarayanan)
    • EE790 (one cr) Seminar – Power, Energy and Materials, five student (Tonkoski)

      Honor’s thesis in collaboration with NREL, East River Electric Cooperative, and the University of Minnesota.
      * This course is also being offered to students from South Dakota School of Mines (SDM) and to other online students (one from Colorado State University)

Summer 2021

  • No summer courses offered

Fall 2021

  • EE218/L (3+1 cr) Linear Circuits II (Hietpas)
  • EE316 (three cr) Signals and Systems I (Hietpas)
  • EE420/L (3+1 cr) Electronics III (Hietpas)
  • EE434/L (3+1 cr) Power Systems/Lab* (To be offered by SDM instructor)
  • EE731/L (4+1 cr) Advanced Power Electronics and Lab, (Tonkoski)
  • EE790 (one cr) Research Philosophy and Methods (Suryanarayanan)

      * This course will be delivered by South Dakota School of Mines

Spring 2022 (tentative)

  • EE216/L (3+1 cr) Linear Circuits, (Hietpas)
  • EE222/L (3+1 cr) Energy Conversion, (Hietpas)
  • EE315 (three cr) Linear Controls, (Hietpas)
  • EE436/L EE536/L (3+1 cr) Photovoltaic Systems Engineering and Lab (Tonkoski)
  • EE492 (three cr) Special Topic in Power* (Suryanarayanan)
  • EE790 (one cr) Seminar - Power and Energy (Tonkoski)
  • EE792 (three cr) Sp. Tp. Computational Big Data Analysis for Power Systems (Hansen)

* This course could be Advanced Power Systems Analysis or Electric Power Markets. This depends on constituents interest. We will also offer to students from SDM and to other online students.

Power Faculty Activities Spring Semester


  • Currently Supervising
    • Two Senior Design Groups, Six UG EE students.
      • Senior Design Project one: Phase Detection (CPSS)
      • Senior Design Project two: Raven AutoCart
  • Board Member of the SDEC.
  • Chair EE Scholarship Committee.
  • Chair Bennett Undergraduate Research Fellowship Committee.
  • Serve on EE UG Curriculum Committee.
  • Serving as advisor for ABET 2021 preparation.


  • Graduate Students
    • Three Ph.D. students being supervised on modeling converter dominated power systems and also a partnership with Raven Industries.
    • Currently Supervising two senior design groups:
      • MRES Solar Garden Project
      • Sandia Energy Storage Systems to Estimate Power Systems’ Inertia
  • Publications and presentations
    • Two published journal articles (IET Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion)
    • Seven accepted/published conference papers
    • Co-organized with Dr. Rodrigo Trevizan (Sandia)  Special Session on Technological Advancements for Large Scale Adoption of Smart-InvertersTechnological Advancements for Large Scale Adoption of Smart-Inverters at ISGT NA 2021 – Recording Available.
    • Co-Organizing with Dr. Ray Byrne (Sandia) Special Session on Innovations on Smart  Energy Storage Systems and Integration in Power Systems at IEEE PES GM 2021, July 25-29, 2021.
  • Grants
  • Ƶ PI: “Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales,” from United States Department of Energy Office of Science, PI: Reinaldo Tonkoski, Grant No. DE-SC0020281, Sep. 15, 2019 to Sep. 14, 2021, Award: $630897, Ƶ sub-contract of a $3,000,000 award with University of Alaska Fairbanks (lead) and University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez.
  • Ni, Z. (PI), Tonkoski, R. (Co-PI), "Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Small: Multi-disciplinary Training of Learning, Optimization and Communications for Next Generation Power Engineers," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $ 299,876. (Sept. 15, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2023).


  • Student accomplishments/research
    • Currently Advising
      • Three Ph.D. students
        • Computational methods and reduced-order models for power electronic interfaced grid resources.
        • Advanced management and state estimation of power electronic converters for distributed energy resources.
        • Coordinated home energy management systems, demand response algorithms, and electricity markets.
    • One M.S. and one Ph.D. students graduated
      • M.S. student is now a Ph.D. candidate at Washington State University
      • Ph.D. student hired full-time as a research engineer at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
    • Two Honor’s Theses related to power systems
      • Impact of rate structure design and solar PV topology on rural electric cooperatives
      • GPU-accelerated machine learning for home energy management systems
    • Co-advised JUMP Into STEM Challenge team (two EE Ph.D. students, one EE UG student, one CS M.S. student)
      • “Utilization of Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) to Mitigate the Overvoltage Problem in Photovoltaic-Rich Distribution Networks.”
      • Team was the Challenge Runner-Up for the Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Challenge Competition (Top 11 out of 49 entries nationwide).
  • Publications and presentations
    • Two published journal articles (IET Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion).
    • Seven accepted/published conference papers.
    • One invited talk.
  • Awards
    • Department award: Outstanding Achievement in Advising, EECS Department, Ƶ, AY20, for “his work in advising graduate research assistants.”
  • Grants
    • Co-PI: “Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales,” from United States Department of Energy Office of Science, PI: Reinaldo Tonkoski, Grant No. DE-SC0020281, Sep. 15, 2019 to Sep. 14, 2021, Award: $630,897, Ƶ sub-contract of a $3,000,000 award with University of Alaska Fairbanks (lead) and University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez.
  • Committee
    • Session Scribe,“Metrics: reliability, resilience, energy and market,” NSF/PSERC Workshop: Grid at the “Edge”, virtual due to pandemic, Mar. 2021. Moderators: Joydeep Mitra (Michigan State University), Mojdeh Hedman (Arizona State University).
    • IEEE PES Power Engineering Education Committee (PEEC) Awards Subcommittee Chair
    • IEEE Region 4 Executive Committee, Chair
    • IEEE HKN Gamma Rho Chapter (Ƶ) Faculty Advisor
    • Ƶ Graduate Council Member (representing the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering)


  • Currently supervising
    • One Ph.D. student in EE at Ƶ
      • Focus area: resilient power grids using transmission switching
    •  One Ph.D. (co-advising) in Systems Engineering at Colorado State University (CSU)
      • Focus area: Non-myopic decision making in mission critical microgrids
  • Publications, patents, and presentations
    • Three published journal articles in power systems journals in 2021.
    • One opinion piece in Newswire and Brookings Register on Texas blackouts.
    • Three accepted conference papers in power systems conference in 2021.
    • One non-provisional patent application (via CSU) in 2021.
  • Grants
    • Suryanarayanan, S. (PI), "Collaborative Research: A Scalable Sustainability-Based Approach to a Novel Demand Response Paradigm in the Emerging Smart Grid," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $29685. (June 22, 2020—July 31, 2022).
    • Suryanarayanan, S. (PI), "2018 Hurricane RAPID: Subcontract from CSU," Sponsored by Colorado State University as sub-award under NSF award, $115347. (Sept. 8, 2020—May 31, 2022).
  • Committees and boards
    • Member, Editorial board, Electric Power Components & Systems, Taylor and Francis.
    • Session chair, 52nd North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, April 2021.

Scholarship Activity – 2021-2022

  • Total COE Scholarships all students: $543,000 (up 22% compared to last year).
  • Total EE Student Awards: 134,900 (up 47%).
    • COE: $30,000 (up 155%)
    • EE: $104,900 (up 31%)
      • Power Related: $43,350 (41.3% of EE Student Scholarship Awards)
  • Notable Scholarship Recipients

CPSS Scholarship

  • Roberto Penaloza Valencia

CPSS General Scholarship

  • Kade Griesse
  • Matthew Ackerman
  • Jason Moberg
  • Hamza Tasneem
  • Ethan Reese
  • Cody Decker
  • Christian Fuller
  • Ian Berdan

Wayne E. Knabach Memorial

  • Tyler Fogelson

IEEE PES (2020-2021) Report

  • Matt Stoel – 2020 IEEE PES Erich W. Gunther Future Power Innovator Scholarship

Power Students

  • Stats for this year and coming summer
% Power14%50%29%
  • 18 Graduating Seniors (down 22% from last spring)
    • Eight in power (44%)
    • All have jobs lined up
      • (2) DGR, Rock Rapids, IA
      • (1) ECI, Mankato, MN
      • (1) MRES, Sioux Falls
      • (1) PSE , Prinsburg, MN
      • (2) Ulteig, Sioux Falls
      • (1) WAPA, Pierre

Summer Activity


  • Serve on the CPSS 2022 SoDaRP Conference planning committee.
  • Coordinate EE 494 Internship Experience.


  • Visit collaborators at University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
  • Complete research tasks associated with DOE, and NSF research grants.
  • Develop collaborations with Sandia National Laboratories.
  • Write proposals to obtain funding from national agencies.
  • Serve the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative Region 4 Selection Committee.
  • (Remotely) Attend PowerTech 2021, Madrid, Spain; IEEE PES GM 2021.


  • Visit collaborators at University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
  • Complete research tasks associated with DOE research grant.
  • (Remotely) Attend PowerTech 2021, Madrid, Spain; IEEE PES GM 2021.


  • Pursue research tasks associated with NSF research awards.
  • (Remotely) Attend PowerTech 2021, Madrid, Spain; IEEE PES GM 2021.
  • Prepare material and delivery modes for new research methods course.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven M. Hietpas, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor, Coordinator, Center for Power Systems Studies