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Brookings Student Nurses’ Association recognized for organizational leadership

Members of the Brookings chapter of the Student Nurses’ Association at South Dakota State University accept the 2022 Ƶ Award for Organizational Leadership from the South Dakota Board of Regents in December 2023.
Members of the Brookings chapter of the Student Nurses’ Association at South Dakota State University accept the 2022 Ƶ Award for Organizational Leadership from the South Dakota Board of Regents in December 2023.

The Brookings chapter of the Student Nurses’ Association (SNA) at South Dakota State University was recognized at the South Dakota Board of Regents meeting Dec. 14, receiving the 2022 Ƶ Award for Organizational Leadership. 

The regents highlighted the group’s work to offer nursing students numerous opportunities to serve as leaders on campus and in the community. 

“They know the importance of leadership experiences and the impact it can have on their future careers. The organization is frequently asked by the College of Nursing to provide leadership at events hosted on campus,” according to the regents’ recognition. 

Brookings SNA is involved in activities that vary from participating at health fairs, to giving educational presentations and offering mentoring and professional development programs. The group also holds at-large meetings where student leaders organize programs, host guest speakers on health and career related topics and participate in community service events. 

“We offer the opportunity for professional development because we are a national, state and local organization. This offers board positions that help bring in the leadership aspect of our organization,” Keelie Van Hee, a senior nursing major and president of Brookings SNA, said. 

“We have a great group of students,” Venita Winterboer, Ƶ College of Nursing lecturer and adviser of the Brookings Student Nurses’ Association, said. “It’s really their organization, and what we do varies from semester to semester and academic year to academic year.” 

SNA also is a great way for nursing students to connect with one another and work together in boosting involvement on campus and in the community. 

“We like to offer ways for students to feel like they’re involved in something on campus,” said Brenna Balken, a senior nursing major and vice president of Brookings SNA. “It’s a way for underclassmen to connect with upperclassmen in the nursing program.” 

“The award is based on an application process, so they send out a call for students to apply,” Winterboer said of the Board of Regents award. “Student Nurses’ Association officers submitted the award application last spring at this time, and then it was awarded this year.” 

Current SNA chapter leaders are working to apply for the organizational leadership award for next year as well. 

Van Hee said, “Basically, we lay out our purpose and membership criteria, and then significant events and activities conducted by our organization. Then, we briefly describe what our organization has done that merits an award for organizational leadership. We discuss specific activities, presentations, performances, publications, and then we’re judged on a one-page paper of all that combined.” 

Van Hee and Balken are both passionate about helping people and making meaningful connections with their patients. 

“I’ve always been interested in the sciences,” Van Hee said. “My mom is a nurse, and she’s always talked about her job and how she’s helping people. I like [working with] young people and pediatrics.” 

“For me, I grew up having some health problems, so I was always in the hospital a lot,” Balken said. “I made some connections with nurses, and they really had an impact on my life, so I really want to be that person for other people.”



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