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Non-Service Animals in University Housing

Support Animal Documentation Requirements (Non-Service Animals)

Requesting a Support Animal for Housing and Residential Life

When requesting a non-service animal in University Housing, students must fill out a 'Non-Service Animal Release of Information Form'.

Step 1: The student must provide documentation from a current treating healthcare provider.

Step 2: The request and documentation will be reviewed by the Office of Disability Services staff.

Anticipate receiving communication from Housing and Residential Life regarding student rights and responsibilities when seeking a support animal. Receiving communication from Housing and Residential Life about animals in residence does not mean you have been approved for an animal in University housing.

Step 3: A determination is made by the Office of Disability Services staff. Information regarding the timeline of this decision is shared below. 

If your request is approved, you will be contacted by Residential Life staff for next steps. If your request is not approved, you can reapply if information was incomplete. If you wish to appeal the decision you can follow our grievance process found on the Office of Disability Services website.

Non-service support animals in housing requests please note:

Please be aware that documentation provided by online verification services and other providers with whom you do not have an ongoing therapeutic relationship will rarely provide the information necessary to support your request.

Also note that NO state or federal entity requires a support animal to be registered. Registering an animal with an entity is not proof or your animal鈥檚 eligibility nor helpful in getting a request for a non-service support animal approved.

Non-Service Animal Release of Information Form

Approval timeline varies based on the following factors: submission date, available housing occupancy, review of submitted documentation and necessary animal verification. Approval of a Reasonable Accommodation for a Support Animal does not guarantee immediate housing placement. Support Animal Accommodations requests should be submitted and completed by May 1 for the following Fall semester and by November 1 for the following Spring semester. 

If a Support Animal is denied, the Handler is afforded the right to appeal the decision in the Non-Retaliation Provision.

If a student brings an unapproved animal to campus, the student will be required to remove it from University housing immediately due to the safety concerns for students and animals in congregate housing. The student can only bring an animal to campus once it has been approved.

Please Note:

The ODS has no role to play in specific hall assignments, only the features needed. An accommodation such as a support or service animal does not guarantee admittance to a certain hall or the opportunity to have a single occupancy room in the residence halls.