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Dr. April Brooks Awards

South Dakota State University
Dr. April Brooks Awards in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

2020 April Brooks Recipients
2021 April Brooks Recipients

In celebration of Women鈥檚 History Month in March, the 成人视频 Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) Coalition announces the annual Dr. April Brooks Awards in women, gender and sexuality studies. 


These awards recognize the outstanding accomplishments of individuals or organizations, on or off campus, who promote equity in gender and/or sexuality. 

Individual nominees could include undergraduate or graduate students, faculty, civil service staff, professional staff, administrators or community members. Nominated organizations could include groups on or off campus.

Some of the ways that individuals or organizations promote equity include through the following: education; research, scholarship or creative activity; activism; civic or community engagement; service or outreach; leadership and mentorship.

Nominees should advance the mission of the WGSS program at 成人视频: to educate our university and the public on issues related to gender and sexuality, through innovative curricula, research and/or outreach.

Awards Presentation Details:

Winners will be formally announced at the Dr. April Brooks Awards Presentation Ceremony, which will be held in March. 

Nomination Requirements:

Please adhere to the word count/page limit for each component; applications that do not follow the word count/page limit will not be considered for the award.

  1. Nomination or self-nomination letter (300-600 words).
  2. One letter of support (300-600 words).
  3. Resume or brief CV (no more than three pages) outlining the nominee鈥檚 qualifications for this award.

The nomination and support letters should:

  1. Describe how the nominee promotes equity in gender and/or sexuality, on or off campus, including specific examples of how their work meets the mission of WGSS (see above.
  2. Explain why the nominee merits consideration for this award, discussing specific examples of their accomplishments and their impact on the campus and/or community.

Submit nominating materials electronically as a single attachment to Jason McEntee. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours from submission, please resubmit via email.