Healthy University

Be a Growing, High-Performing and Healthy University

Celebration of Faculty Excellence

1. Become a preferred employer holistically focused on employee wellbeing, professional development, career progression and workplace enhancements to support employee success at all levels of the university.

Students sitting in their weekly senate meeting taking notes on laptops.

2. Foster a culture of leadership at all levels of the university focused on our core values, the ongoing pursuit of excellence, effective communication, and the advancement of the university in bold and innovative ways.

Rodeo team One Day for STATE

3. Advance the university through effective fiscal planning, impactful fundraising and financial investment, development of efficiencies and alignment of resources with the strategic priorities and initiatives of the university.

Two students examining a plane before take off.

4. Execute a data-informed strategic enrollment management plan, which is agile, future-oriented and adapts to changes in the higher education environment.

student and professor in electronics lab

5. Implement professional development and training programs for faculty and staff focused on enhancing quality and the utilization of modern delivery methods.