Budgeting Process Outline

  1. Student Organization discusses budget proposal with the SA finance chair.
  2. GAF Request is submitted to SA finance chair and reviewed; recommend changes.
  3. Student organization presents budget to the SA Finance Committee, committee asks questions, moves to committee discussion and votes on their recommendation (pass/fail, dollar amount, adjustment to request).
  4. SA Finance Committee makes recommendation to the SA Senate in the Budget Hearing and group presents their budget, answers questions, roll call vote for approval of dollar amount and budget.
  5. University Activity Fee Budget Committee (UAFBC) reviews SA Senate budgeting recommendation. UAFBC passing vote yields final approval of the recommendation.
  6. The university president has final approval in regard to all GAF allocations.


  • Speaker fund/weekend programming Fund FY limit: $15,000
  • New venture fund FY limit: $3,500
  • Special allocation fund FY limit: $7,500