Student Organization Categories
Student Organization Categories
Academic/Pre-Professional Organizations
Designed for students interested in a particular career or academic field who want to establish networks and further develop their skills in that area.
Cultural Organizations
Provide support and foster community within the various cultures, races, religions and orientations represented among the student body.
Greek Life Organizations
Social fraternities and sororities governed by national organizations, these academic and service-oriented groups work to foster the ideals of friendship and the development of character.
Graduate Organizations
Designed specifically to meet the needs of graduate students in their specific areas of study or interest.
Health Organizations
Designed to promote healthy living through education and programming.
Honorary Organizations
Local and national honor societies that provide service and/or leadership opportunities and recognition for students with academic honors.
Programming Organizations
Designed to provide entertainment events and programs for the student body.
Special Interest Organizations
Provide support to students through a variety of hobbies and interest areas.
Religious/Spiritual Organizations
Provide spiritual and/or religious development and support.
Service Organizations
Provide volunteer opportunities for civic-minded students eager to serve the campus and/or community.
Sports Clubs
Encourage participation in and promotion of competitive club team sports.